Old cable colours

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Oct 6, 2010
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Just a quickie there is a lot of old coloured cable on ebay & other sites for sale. So in these auspicious times, what are the regs regarding its use but putting new coloured sleeving over them at the termination points? Would they meet BS7671 standard?

if you want to look at it another way, by installing new colours in a property with old colours, you have left the installation more dangerous than it was when you arrived (since you have to leave a warning sticker for 2 colours)

but old colour cable in ebay often sells for more than new

but the simple fact you need a warning label means it is more dangerous than it was. if you done the alterations in old colours, you wouldnt need the label

When the new colours came in, I had a spate of people phoning me offering to buy any old coloured cable I had. Some nonsense about wanting to use it for art projects.

I just declined and used it up.

I think the theory about the old coloured cable selling for more on ebay, is people buy it to do DIY work, so when they sell the house they can swear the work was done before part P came into force.

Yes I know that's not the case, but that's what a lot of people think.

When the new colours came in, I had a spate of people phoning me offering to buy any old coloured cable I had. Some nonsense about wanting to use it for art projects.I just declined and used it up.

I think the theory about the old coloured cable selling for more on ebay, is people buy it to do DIY work, so when they sell the house they can swear the work was done before part P came into force.

Yes I know that's not the case, but that's what a lot of people think.
You beat me to it Dave..

I think IMHO it would be against the regs to now use old colours, the phase in time has long since lapsed, so your work wouldn't comply with the regs currently in force. You could use the deviations box if you wanted to.

Btw, I do know of some people specifically using old colours to circumnavigate part P.

Ok i get it but it was worth a try. If i have any more harebrained schemes for saving money i will run it by you all.

I think IMHO it would be against the regs to now use old colours, the phase in time has long since lapsed, so your work wouldn't comply with the regs currently in force. You could use the deviations box if you wanted to. Btw, I do know of some people specifically using old colours to circumnavigate part P.
sleeving old colours to new colours is no different to sleeving 3C&E & SWA etc

providing they are existing,the phase in period for installing old colours has passed,

or are you intimating they could still be used with the addition of brown/blue sleeving?

thats like saying you can still use green earth with a bit of yellow tape on it, or even white cable for phase2, just sleeve it black.

this is why there was a 3year(IIRC) period of transistion between the colour changes.
marking red & black as brown and blue is no different to marking a black (/grey) as blue & grey (/black)as green/yellow

yes, you could still use old colours if you wanted to providing they are adequately marked. not something i would do myself, but if you really wanted to you could

I'd go with Canoeboy there . A lot of projects are poorly lit , ( 'cos we have yet to install the lights) and in that poor light the drum of 3c/E 6243Y I have , the brown is so dark in colour it looks the same as the black . P'raps I should mark it with red tape ;) :slap

Hmm, done hundreds of them!

By the time you wipe the chalk off to see the numbers the numbers are gone too!

This was quality cable too, not cheap unknown brand stuff!!!

When I was going through the application process for my apprenticeship, a colourblindness test was part of the procedure. Back then, you couldn't be a sparky if you were colourblind.

Has that changed now then?

When I was going through the application process for my apprenticeship, a colourblindness test was part of the procedure. Back then, you couldn't be a sparky if you were colourblind.Has that changed now then?
When I did my college training back in the 90's a lad on the course was advised not to get into the game due to colour blindness, crumbs I have enough trouble with some of the colours and don't have it so a colour blind person would have no chance.
