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Victoria Cain

New member
Jul 31, 2015
Reaction score
Hey guys joined this forum as I am going back to college to finish my level 3. It involves a work diary and on site visits. If anyone could tell me what short of things they look for that would be ace. Been sparking for 2 years now and still alot to learn. Any advice, tips and banter greatly appticiated :)

You're talking about the NVQ level 3.

Well considering you're a woman it involves making lots of cups of tea ... haha, that's obviously been a male sexist pig - which i am not! Im sure you're used to that sort of banter now a days anyway. Welcome to the forum by the way :)

the site visits are just to make sure you're working safely, make sure you have correct ppe ect... and that you're doing work that meets the criteria of the NVQ - when i did my, we had to do 3jobs ... get assessed on each. It's more informal than anything, theres nothing to worry about. They'll ask you a few basic questions about the specific job. I.E when i did mine i installed some outside lights down an access route for an outbuilding ... he wanted to know why i'd chosen conduit ... because i've wired in singles ect... Assessments are always nerve-racking things due to human nature, nothing to worry about though :)


Thanks very much nice to know I am not alone. Its not long until we take over the world ha ha. Really hope someone can help. I am worried as I haven't been in college for 4 years! And can't remember all the ins and outs

Thanks very much nice to know I am not alone. Its not long until we take over the world ha ha. Really hope someone can help. I am worried as I haven't been in college for 4 years! And can't remember all the ins and outs

Hmmmm, more lady sparks on the forum, might have to dispense with the RR references :slap

Welcome Victoria, and you will have to ignore some of the male banter. Consider it good training for working on sites :^O

electricalwholesalers, welcome to the forum, but you name suggests you may well be attempting to sell products on the forum. Please do not do this without obtaining suitable permissions first.
