It's a sad situation, all too common Im afraid.
When I come across a cigar box with some porcelain and loads of wires like a musical instrument with some tatty cloth wrapped wires dangling out of it I want to run mile.
Usually thsee jobs go to the grant system, which in our case is incredibly slow (up to 2 years) , usually goes to the lowest bidder and the workmanship usually ****!
I am forever going back to correct the mistakes of the the more recent past!
There is help out there? the local council may have some kind of home improvement service there is also Age uk, other local charities and the health services (gp's/ot's) can also be good at twisting people's arms and getting **** done quicker.
it's difficult with old people you have to take into account their age, physical, mental abilities and design it around them.
You can't go wading in with a reg"s book in your hand demanding a rewire! :lol:
First things I would do is bonding, get a REC fitted and get the head checked as there may be a fused N in there too!
Then put in a conveniently located small rcbo CU (metal with a top hinged lid of course ) and work from there as you dont have to do it all at once incase the situation changes
EM lighting a great idea also.
If I think of anything else...
getting tired now :coffee
Good luck :Salute