One hour to go and and we're OUT .........

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I've lived in Lancashire all my life, work  was a twenty minute drive away, perhaps 25 at bad traffic times. The Lake district, or the Yorkshire dales are about an hour away,

I just can't visualise the lifestyle of those living and working in London. 

I've often visited London as a tourist, the hustle and bustle and the travel by Tube is then an adventure, but as a daily routine?  No way!

As Phoenix says, a few days of that and the return home is a huge pleasure. I genuinely thank my luck stars that life panned out that way

I have worked in "that London" quite a lot

doing a job on Sekforde ( or Coram ) St I was short of some stuff. There was a very good DIY/ironmongery just around the corner. Got some stuff from there but needed a wholesalers really. He gave me directions to one and it involved two Tubes. BT were on site and I asked them. They said same wholesalers. "Oh I said that's 2 tubes away isn't it?"     Yes, they said if you go by Tube OR it's a 10 minute walk up that road opposite!!.....


everybody involved in the refit work was great.     Apart from Architect obviously 🙄 

off site nobody made eye contact, talked to anyone

 must have done twenty different sites there over the years and every time it was the same

carnaby St was interesting.....there were about 5 different stores being refitted ( we were doing 1 ).  Some of the ruses that came up for extending the limited parking loading/unloading time were fantastic!....mainly involved spilling stuff on the road so that council, had to come and jetwash it

Boris will stand his ground ?  He doesn’t want any EU rules attached to trade deals. 

isn’t  the EU  or Eire PM saying that if we don’t let our fishing waters be accessible to EU boats then they will create difficulties for the finance sector ie London. ? 

Boris will stand his ground ?  He doesn’t want any EU rules attached to trade deals. 

isn’t  the EU  or Eire PM saying that if we don’t let our fishing waters be accessible to EU boats then they will create difficulties for the finance sector ie London. ? 
Yes.    So we finally  leave and they are still trying to call the tune . 

Yes.    So we finally  leave and they are still trying to call the tune . 
they must be really upset that we’ve left them? 

im more interested to know how they propose to make up the money that we no longer will be giving them, that’s got to have an impact on the EU structure and capabilities surely? 
