Over Charged On Work

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Advice needed concerning a bill which I feel is extremely high.

We have just had a fairly large house extension completed, and the one non fixed price was the electrics. There was a budget for the original planned work, but along the way my wife decided to add to the original lighting design with more downlighting/sockets/switches ..

We are very happy with the work but staggered at how much they are telling us we owe for the additional work. I am annoyed that this situation has occurred since I am well aware from past experience that you must have the work pre quoted for if you are to avoid these situations, but with work/family commitments, I somehow let this slip under the radar.

The extension has been built from scratch so the electrics have been put in slowly and easily since there was nothing in the way.

Is there anyone who can advice me as to what is the fair cost of installing the following please:

1) a downlight

2) 5amp socket

3) double socket

4) switch

5) shaver point

6) extractor fan

The electricians have charged per item fitted as opposed to daily rate.

I have no problem paying people good money to do good work, but this bill is very high. I will tell you their pricing and would welcome your thoughts?

1) per downlight £100!

2) per 5amp socket £100

3) per double socket £100

4) switches £80

5) shaver point £80

6) extractor fans £160

The actual products are standard Wickes relatively cheap things!!

I'm not sure what my next step is but any advice would be very welcome,

Many thanks,

You might as well ask "how much does it cost to go in a taxi" All depends on the circumstances.

Moral is, make your mind up what you want before you place your order.. Say i wanted a bridge making, be no good deciding that it needs to be 2 inches longer..


How long is a piece of string?

Without seeing the work We cannot comment.

Example: fitting a down light maybe a straight forward job perhaps taking an hour or so? But if you need to provide a new circuit with RCD protection it could run in to the hundreds quite easily.

Ok from the limited info that we have,

You mentioned electricians, so I'm assuming that each point is costed for two persons per visit.

You say that the items installed were cheap Wickes own brand items? Did you supply them or did the sparks?

From your OP it is clear that you are aware of how the budgeting should be managed, and you admit you gave failed? This is the significance of having a detailed written contract, which you can refer back too at the time of receiving the bill, did you have any written contract?

Without actually seeing how what and quality of the install it is nigh impossible to give a fair critique, too many variables.

If you a have a written contract and the sparks were registered then you could approach their registration body although I can't imagine they'd be that interested in what you've been charged it is after all a free market?

So I'm afraid that this may have to be put down to experience, although it may leave a bitter taste it will be one you remember next time?

Hello, I'm in south London, and the extension was built up from scratch . The electrician was given an exact plan showing positioning of lights and switches pre plasterboard/plastering.... he came and went in between other  jobs . The build has been going on for 8 months so he had no pressures to do it in any hurry.

Thanks for replying,


The plans may have been fine but you admit that your wife added to it throughout the build, it may have been that some of the work they had done had to be redone due to these changes?

You  are absolutely right that work was added and some had to be redone.  We had a total electrics budget set aside and the total which I have been now been told  is 3 times that agreed. I have no  problem paying good prices for good work but feel sure that the quote is being vastly inflated.... i have a good relationship with the builder and will handle everything in a proper way but i wanted to get a feeling for what was the right price for the work before my next move,

thanks again,


There's no mention of the finish of the accessories... This can make a big difference... Whereas a std plastic double socket might cost £3, a metal one could cost double or tripple that.... It all adds up.

Downlights,,, were they LED, did he have to fit insulation boxes?

What was the installation method? Were the cables T&E clipped direct, or was it galvanised conduit with singles?

IMHO there are far too many variables to answer this

Were new circuit(s) run from the fuseboard?

Was your bonding updated?

Was the builder taking a cut?

Are these prices inc VAT?

Why did you agree to a "blank" cheque approach to the bill from day 1?

Have you received a certificate?

Have you received LABC notification?

I could go on!

I understand your point. But if you could give me a feel for the cost of fitting the products and ii can work out the price of the goods used? Half of the downlights are led and half not.   

Unfortunately i don't know the insulation method....

I'd say an hour (maybe an hour and a half -at most) a point is about right for a new build..... 2 men means 2 points in an hour

However I don't know how the building is constructed so it could have been a right mare of a job

That's for a clipped direct..... A lot longer for steel conduit.....

New circuits were run from the circuit board.  I have dealt direct with the builder who claims to only be adding 10% mark up on the electricians bill...   the total build costs have been relatively high so the extra lighting was not seen as a big thing, which was a mistake i know... they will definitely be giving me certificates for the work and i have no doubt that it has been done to a high standard.

sounds a bit high, but if they have already done what you wanted, then had to change it, then that would be added to the total.

but as alreayd stated, far too many variables to give an answer

Let me see if I understand you correctly.

You have had some work done, then had alterations / additions, and you never had anything put in writing, and when you get the final bill, which you think is too much, you ask on a forum how much it should be / what is reasonable?

What answer would you like? is it

Answer A: You have been overcharged

Answer B: Sounds about right

Answer C: No idea

Choose which ever answer you like, it makes no difference, for the following reasons. You never had anything in writing (which you already admitted you know to be wrong) if you go with answer A, what can you now do? say that I said its too much, even though I have never been to site have no idea what the job was like? sorry, as has been said chalk it up to experience.
