People arguing in forums

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Dec 8, 2016
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It always amazes me how people talk to each other in forums.

i view several forums and find that some people are very helpful and others answer questions with total disregard.

i equate it similar to driving, if you are walking down a high street and someone exits a shop and bumps into you, you apologise! If it was in a car you give them abuse.

if someone asks you an electrical question in the flesh you answer politely, if it's a forum some people kick off!

I'm not having a go at anyone I just find it interesting and have noticed it on several forums recently.

Anyone else noticed it? Is it a way for stressed people to vent out?

Lets discuss

depends on who is asking and why. DIYer asking for advice on how to do basics like change a sockets etc, fine. so called 'electrician' asking for a step by step guide to changing a plug or something else that they should know, no chance

I agree and I find it quite laughable when people come on and say that they are electricians but can't work out a cable size but I find it quite shocking how this can very quickly turn into a torrent of abuse!

I like to give advice and I have asked advice on other forums on such things as tiling, however I do think some people need to chill a bit

I quite often don't bother with some of the DIY type questions (if you can;t say anything nice then don't say anything at all) but when a so called electrician is doing work for customers when they clearly have no clue what they are doing then I take umbrage at that. I'm all for furthering knowledge and expanding your horizons but charging into a job and then leaving without doing the basics and then jumping on a forum to ask what they should do is a piss take IMO. I doubt the customer would have selected this person to do the job if they had known they didn't have the first idea what they were doing. Some of the questions here from "electricians" are stupid, and the customer is being ripped off as any experienced/skilled person would have identified and rectified the fault there and then.

The trouble I find is there are 2 main types of people on forums who kick it off, there are those who think they have a right to be given all the answers, then get all abusive and stroppy when they don't get what they want, then there are the "keyboard warriors", they'll wind people up and threaten knowing they'll never come face to face with that person, or so they think. I had one guy once who took delight in winding me up and being abusive, safe in the knowledge that as he lived 200 miles away he was unlikely to run into me, wrong! One day In the course of my job I found myself less than 50 miles from his address so decided to pop around and see him for a "chat". Fortunately for him he wasn't in, but I politely introduced myself to his mother and after telling her how sorry I was to have missed him, I made sure she knew who I was and asked her to be sure to tell him I had called by to see him. Oddly enough he was never a problem after that.

In our game it can get very dangerous and sometimes when you know someone is out of there depth your only course of action is to advise them to employ the services of a qualified electrician, some years ago I was on a forum and a guy posted up from India, he was having a problem at work and wanted to know how to measure the voltage on a supply cable to a transformer. I enquired as to what test equipment he had and he informed me he had a standard multimeter, I then asked what voltage the cable carried and was amazed at his reply, 11Kv! Incidentally, he was he assured me the works electrician!

The driving analagy  :C is that the right word?   is interesting .   The number of people who own the roads seems to be increasing  , I could be in trouble for this but , in this area  our caribean friends appear to have right of way in all situations ....the roads are actually owned by our asian taxi driver friends closely followed by the Uber drivers.    And the rise in colour blindness in our 21 to 35 yr old drivers is noticible by how many drive through red lights .

More and more cars ...less and less police...causes frustration in built up areas 

I quite often don't bother with some of the DIY type questions (if you can;t say anything nice then don't say anything at all) but when a so called electrician is doing work for customers when they clearly have no clue what they are doing then I take umbrage at that. I'm all for furthering knowledge and expanding your horizons but charging into a job and then leaving without doing the basics and then jumping on a forum to ask what they should do is a piss take IMO. I doubt the customer would have selected this person to do the job if they had known they didn't have the first idea what they were doing. Some of the questions here from "electricians" are stupid, and the customer is being ripped off as any experienced/skilled person would have identified and rectified the fault there and then.
I met a guy at an electrical event and he was doing just that, he was a 5ww and was going on forums like this to ask how to do jobs, it's not only that, but these inexperienced chancers charge top dollar and invariably take about 4 hours to do a shoddy job that any decent spark would do properly in an hour. I used to get called out to jobs and hear "well the last guy was here all day, couldn't fix the fault and charged me £150" what the hell! how can any self respecting bloke turn up to fix a fault,spend all day there and charge someone for nothing? If you can't work out what you are doing in the first hour then walk away. I've always told my clients if I can't fix it, or at least work out why it's not working then they don't pay.

The driving analogy  :C is that the right word?   is interesting .   The number of people who own the roads seems to be increasing  , I could be in trouble for this but , in this area  our Caribbean friends appear to have right of way in all situations ....the roads are actually owned by our asian taxi driver friends closely followed by the Uber drivers.    And the rise in colour blindness in our 21 to 35 yr old drivers is noticeable by how many drive through red lights .

More and more cars ...less and less police...causes frustration in built up areas 
Corrected the spelling for you, before the grammar police lock you up, lol, Please don't mention taxi's, I keep having the urge to go around smashing their lights, the indicators because they never use them, so why have them? And the headlights because I'm sick to death of them parking at night against the flow of traffic and leaving full headlights on dazzling oncoming drivers.

The driving analagy  :C is that the right word?   is interesting .   The number of people who own the roads seems to be increasing  , I could be in trouble for this but , in this area  our caribean friends appear to have right of way in all situations ....the roads are actually owned by our asian taxi driver friends closely followed by the Uber drivers.    And the rise in colour blindness in our 21 to 35 yr old drivers is noticible by how many drive through red lights .

More and more cars ...less and less police...causes frustration in built up areas 
Yep, I think people in cars are far braver in abusing each other whereas people on the street who are face to face are polite-ish

I agree and I find it quite laughable when people come on and say that they are electricians but can't work out a cable size but I find it quite shocking how this can very quickly turn into a torrent of abuse!

I like to give advice and I have asked advice on other forums on such things as tiling, however I do think some people need to chill a bit
I think the crux of the debate comes from the fact that innocent people with no knowledge are at the mercy of people who call themselves electricians.

I personally find it tantamount to fraud.

You are however correct in your opening statement, we tend to be more polite face to face, perhaps because we understand the need to survive? I actually gave up being an electrician after being repeatedly made redundant every Christmas for at least 5 years on the trot. I had an HGV Class 1 licence and decided to go on the road, brilliant at first, but driving through Italy a week before Christmas changed my mind.

I have many strings to my bow, and each one has been hard to gain. The only advice I can give to any aspiring electrician is gain knowledge of the basics,electrical science has not changed, only regulations. Use the science to comply with the regulations and you will be fine, if you expect answers to basic questions posted in wrong sections of this or any forum expect to be shot down.

2 problems with forums:-

1/ some people don't know how to post and get abuse

2/ it's a bland environment devoid of facial contact, hence emoitcons were invented. :swear:     :slap :slap

plus some peole just need to calm down baddayexplode

And the headlights because I'm sick to death of them parking at night against the flow of traffic and leaving full headlights on dazzling oncoming drivers.
OOOOOHHHH  YESSSSS!!     Thats my favourite hate after litter   ...firking well sitting there with headlights blazing at oncoming traffic  ...not a damn clue !!!  

Regarding the keyboard warriors , it sounds like its a common thing on the Twittering , kids seem to go for picking out someone and  destroying them on social media

This worries me, people claiming to be something when clearly they haven’t a clue


BTW are you from Essex?

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This worries me, people claiming to be something when clearly they haven’t a clue


BTW are you from Essex?
No, born in Surrey now in Hampshire, do you have a point or have I missed something?

In government terms I retired due to ill health. You lot won’t let me retire!

I’ve still a lot to do in KB, it keeps me thinking and therefore keeps the mind active.

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I've done an apprenticeship with c&g 236 parts 1,2, c course, am1 and 2, c&g 2391 and was niceic qualified supervisor for 10 years with 25 years in the trade.

Thanks for coming onto a forum about people arguing on forums and saying I haven't got a clue when clearly you know nothing about me, can you not see how you have validated this subject?

I'm out.
