Pet hates

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Feb 14, 2008
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Cloud Cuckoo Land
One of my all time pet hates


Why on earth do all grannies have these :_|

They have a knitted base because in an emergency if you have run out of toilet paper you could always...................


My pet hate are those automatic air fresheners that people always seem to have on the top of units,, just at you eyeline when you're up a ladder replacing a ceiling light;)
yep, them too,

I kinda meant to say that, all them stupid air freshener things,

I dont mind the pot pourri stuff or whatever it is, its the cans and liquids that I dont like,

oh, and had a bit of an issue with the oil burner things recently that I got in serious trouble for. :(

i hate all air freshener, car ones spray ones pot pourri, all of them,

I hate air freshners too also impact drivers you have chippies using them to fix handles on doors why don't they just get a decent drill driver no need for all that noise then.

I hate air freshners too also impact drivers you have chippies using them to fix handles on doors why don't they just get a decent drill driver no need for all that noise then.
Never had one until recently, but TBH it's a blinking great tool, much better than a combi drill....

Impact drivers great - but not to fix door handles!!!

Mate worked with aguy who used Impact driver on MCB's in 40 new CU's - all had to be replaced due to damage caused by over zealous use!!!!!!

I have a impact use it everyday, hate it for eating high quality bits, but nothing removes stuck screws on 250w sons like a impact!

one pet hate of mine is when you go to price a cctv job and the guy says ive got someone else to do the whole job for 1800 quid. yet the kit costs 1800 alone and thats to you the supplier/buyer etc, same as any quote, total waste of my time.

Pet hates......

"I hadn't budgetted for that much"

"How can WE make it cheaper?"

" What if I supply all the materials?"

" Can I give you half the money now and the rest in a few months?,,,I have had an unexpected bill to pay"

" My neighbour says that your quote is too dear"

the list goes on and on............................. :coat

Standing on an unexpected/unanticpated 'Dog egg' which you have just liquidised with the mower but 5 seconds beforehand. Worse having told the Wife to de-turd the lawn prior to her poncing of to some Horse thing at Hickstead...and she forgot! Women; you can't live with them! I'll miss her, but not with the second shot:coat

hey wozz do you work in streetlighting mate?
No just look after a few buildings and yards that have 250s on them. one of my customers has a fair few lamp post but havnt had a play with them yet.
