Phase Angles

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Scaredy cat™
Supporting Member
Feb 5, 2009
Reaction score
Any chance someone could help me out with the 2 questions below as im stuck on these. If possible could someone explain how to get to the answer aswell please.

1. An inductor has an inductive reactance of 20Ω and a resistance of 20Ω. Which one of

the following gives the phase relationship between the voltage and current in this circuit ?

a) The current leads the voltage by 45

Hmmm its been a while since I looked at this. Dont get hung up with resistance. Its the capacitance - leading PF and inductance lagging PF that matters most.

In an inductive load the current lags the voltage by a certain amount depending on the inductance and is corrected by adding cxapacitance to bring the phase angle as close to unity as possible. Likewise in a capacitive load the current leads the voltage.

Not sure how you get the degrees without going into Cos Fi etc etc.

I'm sure someone more clued up will be along soon.....
