well the problem there is that looks like a 25mm box, shaver needs a 47mm box... so if that box was flush to the wall, then the shaver wouldnt fit inside it
My bet is he drilled the bathroom fan from the inside, and then didn't fit the duct and grill because he didn't have a ladder long enough to get to it from the outside.
you dont need a ladder to fit the vent if your crafty (/lazy)
Silicon, bit of 2x1 , some scraps of cable, leave it a couple of hours, fit fan,you dont need a ladder to fit the vent if your crafty (/lazy)
You wouldn't be suggesting breaking h&s and leaning out the window would you??? :innocent
Ye, push through, 117mm hole, don't cover up the outside splatter though, and, don't look so good IMO,I mean they are all good ideas, but you can also just buy duct kits designed to be fitted from inside.
push through, 117mm hole, don't cover up the outside splatter though, and, don't look so good IMO
We have just had our house rewired, and unfortunately we have a dispute with the electrician. There are several issues to be resolved, but we have totally lost confidence in their work. I would be very grateful if I could get some feedback and comments, so I can see if we are being unreasonable, or if their work is below an acceptable standard. I can't post any pictures until I have made a number of posts, but I will reply to any reply I receive to try to reach the point quickly where I can post images. The key issues are as follows:
1. Most of the back boxes for the switches and sockets are not flush with the wall, some are set back by several centimetres. This makes it more difficult for the plasterer to get an edge, and whilst I appreciate that there are ways round it, surely it is normal practice to fit back boxes flush with the wall?
2. The chasing in looks like it has been done with a hilti. I do appreciate that a rewire is a messy and disruptive job, but surely it is possible to chase down the walls with some degree of care. Photo to follow.
3. Possible due to issue 1, most of the holes for the fixing screws for the sockets have been drilled through into adjacent rooms. Some of these have been filled, but others have been left with screws and rawplugs projecting 1cm out of the wall behind. Photo to follow.
4. A double socket has been fitted so close to a radiator that one socket is covered by the rad valve, and can't be used.
5. I asked for an extractor fan to be fitted in the bathroom, but no ducting has been fitted through the wall, and no external vent cover fitted. I queried this, and was told that I hadn't asked for or been invoiced for these items, so shouldn't expect them. (??) Furthermore, he drilled out from the inside of the wall, thus seriously damaging the old external bricks on the front wall of the house. Surely you would normally drill in from the outside to avoid this. Photo to follow.
Please do give me feedback, and I will post pictures as soon as I can. Thanks.