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What does a grease nipple do? ?:|
It is an access point to connect a grease gun to lubricate a bearing or a bush (usually).

Dolphins have a large blubber layer so extra lubrication is not required (in the wild, in captivity a sump type arrangement is used as getting sufficient lubrication through a greease nipple would be very tedious and the dolphion gets bored and swims off)

People seem to have been ignoring this thread. Any reasons why?
It was actually on topic for 18th, 19th and 20th, but now someone has hijacked it back off topic. Hopefully the OP got the answer he was looking for whilst it was on topic?

Doc H.

It was actually on topic for 18th, 19th and 20th, but now someone has hijacked it back off topic. Hopefully the OP got the answer he was looking for whilst it was on topic?Doc H.
3 days of a thread on topic? must be a new record

Oh blimey we're off again , BDC watch out for that record.
Didn't BDC get to 529?

I'm still waiting for Godot to turn up with Unman, Wittering & Zigo.

Was it angelina jolies figure you were looging at? :p
No, the Doctors. I looked at his number of posts rather than that of the thread. Nice try though.
