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Nail head hit on the!!!!!!

:Applaud :Applaud:Applaud:Applaud:Applaud

:Applaud :Applaud:Applaud:Applaud:Applaud

Well done Patchykins!

(can I call you Patchykins?)

tis the good ladies birthday this Friday!

21st May!


spose I better get a ruddy present! :_| ]:)

Dekykins is going to bed too , I won't bolt the Brianflap , he'll get a taxi I need to worry.... I'll just go to bed .

Praps wait up a bit longer ....he'll be back soon .......

......won't he ? :_| :coffee

Oooooh was that him ............ oh no door's cat..... not that I'm bovvered ................

.............. I'll put the radio on ...another coffee ... er... just have a look up the road ...

Good night Deke:good night:


by the way...

put the hot water bottle in the middle of the bed tonight..... :eek:

My toes were flipping freezing last night....


And stop pulling the blanket over your side!X( X(

Admin2 said the better TOG value duvet is back from the cleaners......

as these nights are still a bit chilly I may get KME to go down and ask Admin2 if we can borrow it! O) :innocent

He's not the Messiah. Brian's been a naughty boy & can't come out today.
