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I have just worked out......

From previous posts...............

it is apparent, lots of members of this forum don't care much about football...


if this thread is also to be ignored....

then by default..

this must be the place to talk about football...

keep the forum happy..

and keep ignoring!

did you suss out my logic there????

amazing what a bit of brain lubrication can do!GuinnessGuinnessGuinnessGuinnessGuinness

:C :C


:_| :_| :_|

so Fabio and the boys have flewn out then?

will they bring any trophy back.......

other than dinner medals?


I think the flight out will be longer than the time on the pitch.

Me being cynical I know, I hope they do well but in 1966 men played football.

I think the flight out will be longer than the time on the pitch.Me being cynical I know, I hope they do well but in 1966 men played football.
oh SHUT-UP!!!!

you are supposed to be ignoring this....

NOT debating football!!! :_| :_| :_| :_| :_|

If I can just get three more of these down


I will be PM'ing Admin to get you infractimicated for your outburst GH! X( ]:)

So GH will be the first Forumite to be "infractimicated" .Eh ! I looked it up , it means GH is banned from using the decimal system and must revert to fractions ( lowest common detonator ) and all that.

Stuff the bloooooming anagramaticalikations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think Admin has been diluting the medication!X(X(X( X(

Don't you think this mornings 10:00am dose was a bit below strength?

Normally after a full dose I can't move my cheekbone until the numbness wears off 45mins later! ?:| :eek:


Actually i was on the other night/morning at 4am ............... but i was the only one online .................apart from the old spiders :^O :^O

Actually i was on the other night/morning at 4am ............... but i was the only one online .................apart from the old spiders :^O :^O
You were lucky then that Admin didn't catch you.....

He normally has Brian on night shift security

but I think Brian just goes for a sleep in Deke's Parker Knoll Recliner....

but Deke denies it...

saying he has trained Brian really good..

and he should get the full wage....

not just the minimum wage! :eek:

So There! :| ]:)
