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.............the forest ,  how do we know it meows if we are not there. ?

Do you think all new members should declare publicly that they are ignoring the thread ?  

Hmmmm !   But then they will actually be NOT ignoring the thread by saying that they ARE ignoring it .   Its a conundrum .   I myself thought I was ignoring it until I just read your post about it and now I'm NOT ignoring it  whereas prior to that I thought I was .

The thread is now officially declared a working example of perpetual motion because life forces in 1 billion years time on the planet Steptoe in the far reaches of the Crab Nebula will be ignoring .    (  In fact they probably won't give $hytte about it )   But they'll still be ignoring it .

Or will they ??

Oh well  warp factor 5 Mr Sulu , lets go see . 

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Academia Eh!   we went on holiday there . Rained every day . :C
Again....classic quantum theorey

It was raining every day.....BUT at the same time it was not raining

It was only RAINING at the point in space and time where the water droplet existed

When the droplet them moved position it was..........................

Whoops sorry!

Mr Merlot just took over the keyboard


HOW do we know if new forumites are ignoring this thread in the 'correct manner'?

An existentialist Scjhroedingers cat walks across the road under a fallen tree in .........

and if that cat then gets run over.....

should it be reported...

or ignored...?

like this thread..??


Trust The Duck to stick his beak in ......I had managed a long successful period of ignoring this thread but he just has to go paddling in and interfere.

Now , am I ignoring ? No !     Now a whole raft of non-ignoring raises it's head ,   was Kerching's Kat ignoring the thread when the tree fell in the forest and everyone ignored that but not this .....what came first ...the Apprentice or the Electrician.......?


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