Plug Both Ends Of A Lead

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Junior Member
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Feb 20, 2010
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Just been read the posts in DIY about someone wanting to move a PC supply without turning it off has just reminded me -

Next door neighbour was showing me his newly acquired second-hand lathe the other day. It had a round pin socket mounted to the top of it and came with a lead with a 13amp plug one end and a round pin plug the other :facepalm:

I remember our lecturer harping on about not doing things like this, but I didn't think anyone would be this stupid.

What dangerous things have you guys seen?

the old widow maker lead.

I hope he's going to rewire that lathe before using it, or you will do it for him.

Personally I would want a proper stop start with a bit mushroom emergency stop button, well that's what I have on my own lathe.

On one of our fire stations I had the job of moving some of the turnout equipment (stop sniggering at the back), so I reach into the metal cabinet & pull the plug from the socket that I think is the power lead for the equipment (sure enough it all goes off) throw the plug to one side and BANG huge flash & lots of smoke off go all the pc's in the office & a large hole has appeared in the base of the cabinet.

It was indeed a widow maker lead that must have been fitted by the installers of this equipment some 17 years ago, lucky I didn't wrap my fingers around the plug top after I'd pulled it, or had hold of the cabinet while working.

After that I had to check all 20 stations around the county to see if any more of the leads were in use.

Ah the classic "Widow Maker Lead" ...... I've come across a couple used from a small generator set, out in the sticks where they get powercuts .  

Plug the "Widow Maker"  into the genny and the other end into any 13A socket to backfeed into the CU .

No idea what happened when the power was restored.    

Ah the classic "Widow Maker Lead" ...... I've come across a couple used from a small generator set, out in the sticks where they get powercuts .  

Plug the "Widow Maker"  into the genny and the other end into any 13A socket to backfeed into the CU .

No idea what happened when the power was restored.    
I think you had to turn the main switch off Deke on your fuseboard, then look out window every now and then to check if anyone had power back on.

Back in the 70's when we had the power cuts and 3 day week, saw a lot of them. When the power went off you would often hear the geny starting up  :innocent

Ah ! The  70's  .   If you saw a petrol station with it's lights on you'd dive in quick and fill up  before   ..(a)   The leckie went off again or (b)  the petrol tanks went dry .

Ah the good old days ,  strikes all over the place  ...Union leaders in & out of Downing Street .... British car workers & management knocking the final nails into their own coffins ..... litter piling up in the streets ...the dead not being buried or cremated ....inflation out of control ... The Beatles et al  paying tax @ 99p in the £

Labour scuttling the ship ...  then the Tories trying to bail us out we voted Labour in again to finish us off  ...

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Second Most dangerous thing I've seen is B&Q selling consumer units . . .   Narrowly beaten by the Gas fittings shelf
