[Poll] Which Is The Best Multifunction Tester

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Which multifunction tester do you use?

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Electrical Training 4U

Oct 11, 2012
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Hi Guys looking for some input about Multifunction testers so we can best advise customers in the future. If you have any additional comments about testers please feel free to post you valued opinions.

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Hi NozSpark thanks for your comment. I have changed the poll as a result of this as you are quite right it is about personal preference. So what do you use and why?

Metrel - main reason at the time was cost I got it for around £500 and it is a one shot solution for all 17th edition tests - pluses - very clearly laid out screen and it indicates voltage and required leads on all tests. Cheap and so far reliable ~(3 years so far) - Cons - Massive command probe so I don't use that and it looks a bit fisher price!

I have tried KT-64, KT-65 (not really a fan - screen is small and does not give PEFC at same time as Ze which the Metrel does. 

I have tried Fluke 1651's - Nice size screen comfortable to use, sensibly sized command probe - cons ERROR 1 means a board change so I dumped that meter because of repair cost - can sometimes be affected by harmonics and refuse to test.

Megger - I like Megger but they are expensive. They are robust and easy to use so if money was no object I would have probably gone Megger.

Robin separates and MFT - I don't really like them but they do work however when it comes to calibration separates start to be a bit of a money pit. The MFT is effective but has a case with no lead storage and is a clunky design for selecting tests in my opinion but I did manage to get that one very cheaply.

However NozSpark was right its a feel and experience thing and I'm sure many people would completely disagree with my experiences.


Now that the question has changed....

I have a Megger MFT1502... I bought it in 2004 and at the time it was a toss up between that and a similar Fluke. I went for the Megger in the end because it can directly measure three phase Ze, PEFC and PSSC, IIRC the Fluke at that time couldn't.

At just under 3 years old my Megger developed a fault which was repaired under warranty without any problem, they returned it with a hard case, a new set of leads and batteries. . They also returned it with a set of test results which is effectively a Cal

Since then I have used a Fluke, but in the short time that I used it I found it awkward having to navigate through the tests. .... im sure that I would find it easier over time

Ive had a megger mft1552 for about 5 years and get on well with it. Couldnt get on with fluke. Used metrel, Robin seperates, kewtech but still rate megger the most.

Well I have had quite a few different meters started with robin separates. They work well but a nuisance having three meters  to test one installation. Had a couple of unitest MFT's  OK but never seemed that accurate and as they don't have a carry strap where you put probs they tended to get damaged. Then had an early Megger MFT CM500 . Biggest mistake of my life buying one of these. They are a good meter but cannot perform an accurate low current loop test which to me is the most important test. I then have had two Fluke 1652's these are by far the best meters I have had. Easy to use and results are accurate and fast. Fluke any day for me. 

Any tester bought from me :slap

Only joking of course, very difficult to be scientific on such a subjective subject.
