The diy stores are not helping matters here by selling CU's to anyone. It makes a mockery of part p and for those of us that are scam members.
That has got to be one of the daftest statements ever.....
The biggest problem with this trade is tradesmen who have difficulty understanding fundamental concepts of business...
Marketing, advertising, promoting & selling your product and the everyday efficient management and running their business on a cost effective way.
When any person establishes a business they should take account of the existing supply and demand of the goods or services they are thinking of offering from competitors businesses.
Then build their own business plan costing structure etc.. to allow them to work within that enviroment.....
So some of the fundamental ground rules of Electrical work are:-
We have a free market in this country.
DIY electrical work is NOT illegal.
Part P building regs does allow DIY notifiable electrical work.
Other business in similar or related services are permitted to compete for your work.
Thousands of other businesses (large & small) DO manage to work successfully within this environment.
The common business models use in other sectors of the retail market also apply within the electrical world..
So the Stack em high - Sell em cheap brigade (self service pound land / Home Bargain outlets etc..) are aiming for a different customer to some of the better Quality service outlets.
Some customers use both, others would not be seen dead in the other place....
Now.. Waitrose or Sainsburys etc.. could probably not match the price of washing liquid in poundland..
cuz their overheads are higher...
But Mr posh supermarket manager can't go moaning..
its not fair that people can buy washing up liquid from pound land or in bulk of the internet it makes it hard for me to sell my washing up liquid!!!
Electrical work is not much different... there are customers and tradesmen in the Stack-em-high sell em cheap box...
Others provide a better quality service....
Customers after a pound land bargain will probably not purchase from a better quality supplier.
Customers after cheap electrical work will be looking for a stack-em-high sell em cheap electrician...
But a quality electrician would most probably NOT be aiming for that type of customer anyway!!!
The big DIY stores have been around for years now....
They have NO obligation to help anyone other than their shareholders!!!
We as small traders either work around the systems that are there..
or pack up your tool box and go and be a gardener.. or decorator.. etc..
Any newly qualified sparks coming out of college also needs to do some business management training if they are wanting to work for themselves!
Personally I am not interested in the customers after a Stack-em high bargain...
a CU change for myself would have to be a starting price of