OK, lets hang on a minute.This WILL end up as a contract law dispute if it ever gets that far.
Which was installed first, smokes or PV?
When either was installed, NOT NOW, what did the makers guidance state?
That will be what matters.
IF you installed a solar PV system into a house that had Aico smokes and when the solar PV was installed the Aico instructions did NOT include the solar PV warning, then regardless of anything that follows no issues.
If when the solar was installed the smokie makers data said no PV, then deep doo doo.
If someone came along after the solar was installed and installed smokes that were incompatible, their issue.
End Of Story.
Your Professional Indemnity Insurer would win this for you as they would subpoena the makers of both sets of equipment to provide the information that was in force at the time of your design.