R.I.P Gary Speed

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Well-known member
Sep 25, 2009
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Just on news about Gary Speed found hanged at home appears suicide.

What a shame was a good footballer and just getting to grips with the welsh national team.

Condolences to he's family and friends and the whole of the welsh community.

TBH I'd never heard of him before today.

Sad for the family ect, but what on earth make you top yourself & leave children behind ?

I feel for the family - people like this are selfish and don't think of the devastation they leave behind.
going a little of topic, I once asked a client how her husband was doing as I knew him from being the milkman (working at their house)

A few weeks eariler instead of going to work one morning he'd gone into the shed & hung himself, the wife was ringing his work up as he'd left the van on the street, only to find him latter that day dead in the garden shed,

I have heard it said that suicide is similar to when you feel ill, such that things are happening in your mind or body that you just cannot control or make yourself feel better. If you then get to the stage where you cannot ride it anymore, that is where the point of no return is reached. Clearly Gary had some serious issues that may never be known. Condolences and respect to all the close family and relatives of this man who obviously achieved many things of great respect in his area of work.

Doc H.

Its hard to understand why people take their own lives

watching Sky sports,,,,,, all the tributes coming in saying he was in high spirits on the saturday !!!!!!

dont get it,,,,,,,

Perhaps but having seen the aftermath of a situation where a person has taken their life it does seem the easy way out with no regard to those left behind.
I too have some experience here. I believe that people in this situation are often fully aware of the devastion that will occur in the aftermath. The fact that they still take their life despite this illustrates the true depths of their despair.

Knowing the devastation this will cause to those close to them, but still feeling there is no other option, makes this far from an easy way out.
