A few minutes ago my RCD went off, without being able to put it back on again.
I've then removed all the appliance from the plugs, switch off all the fuse (not sure if you say fuse) from the main board, apart from the ground and first floor lights. Lights were working all fine.
I then switched on the 'fuse' from the main board, one by one, and had random results ; but mainly, the RCD was going off all the time after 1 to 40 seconds.
I then decided to remove the ground floor lights 'fuse', as I've installed 2 new lights (one outside, and one in the entrance) yesterday : see topic 27137-help-ceiling-lamp-not-switching-off-or-not-at-all (can't post link as I haven't posted 10 times yet ...)
Note that both lights have been working fine ...
But I was able to set my RCD back on, with all the sockets on and 1st floor lights on ...
So, I suppose the problem is with my ground floor lights. How do I find the problem? And what's the RCD use?
Thank you !!!
A few minutes ago my RCD went off, without being able to put it back on again.
I've then removed all the appliance from the plugs, switch off all the fuse (not sure if you say fuse) from the main board, apart from the ground and first floor lights. Lights were working all fine.
I then switched on the 'fuse' from the main board, one by one, and had random results ; but mainly, the RCD was going off all the time after 1 to 40 seconds.
I then decided to remove the ground floor lights 'fuse', as I've installed 2 new lights (one outside, and one in the entrance) yesterday : see topic 27137-help-ceiling-lamp-not-switching-off-or-not-at-all (can't post link as I haven't posted 10 times yet ...)
Note that both lights have been working fine ...
But I was able to set my RCD back on, with all the sockets on and 1st floor lights on ...
So, I suppose the problem is with my ground floor lights. How do I find the problem? And what's the RCD use?
Thank you !!!