I've been asked to reconnect a supply to a garage cut off 3 years ago. the house is TN-C-S. Will have to put in new swa as no supply. The garage has an old metal DB with one rcd and 3 mcbs to lights, sockets and wall mounted electric heaters. insp certificate dated 2003, nice. So would i be correct in assuming the old mcbs are fine and if the museum rcd operates in the required time thats fine too.
How do i stand on reconnecting a supply that's been disconnected for so long, do i have to bring everything up to 17th edition (i have to lay new swa as no supply present)
Also the metal sockets and light switches have no earthing.
I told the customer I would have to put in new DB with RCBOs, install earth rod and put an earth through the existing conduit to all accessories.
Is that an overkill, can i just connect the supply and walk away whistling
How do i stand on reconnecting a supply that's been disconnected for so long, do i have to bring everything up to 17th edition (i have to lay new swa as no supply present)
Also the metal sockets and light switches have no earthing.
I told the customer I would have to put in new DB with RCBOs, install earth rod and put an earth through the existing conduit to all accessories.
Is that an overkill, can i just connect the supply and walk away whistling