Reliable Volt stick?

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Well-known member
Feb 2, 2009
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I know we shouldn't rely on voltsticks for safe isolation etc, but mine comes in handy all the time, when you pop on a job and plumbers have live ends taped up everywhere, etc.

I have a kewtek one but nowadays it lights up on just about any cable dead or live. So what do you use?

Hi Sellers,

We sell a lot of the Fluke 1acII (in excess of 150 this year) that the guys above are talking about as well as the Megger and Kewtech ones, I can only say from the experiance of selling them that we have very few if any complaints against the Fluke.

We are a new sponsor of the forum and we have a link to our web site on the home page if we can be of any help.

seen a few flukes go faulty last couple of months.

who made the original "volt stick" it was round iirc

opps quick google

voltstick sound is the way and/or the voltstick pro

I have a Fluke LVD1 - LED torch and voltstick combined. It's small, clips to belt or in pocket, and because it has the torch it is incredibly useful when peering under floorboards, in dark cupboards etc. Hence its always with me and therefore gets used a lot for quick checking cables aren't live before inserting fingers. My only complaint would be over-sensitivity, but that makes me get the volt probes out. Has definetly saved my bacon several times!!!! I've had varios other voltsticks like the megger above and the MK version which is adjustable, but mostly they sit in the toolbag. Especially not keen on adjustable MK cos you never quite know where you are with the adjustment when you do dig it out, and have to spend time fiddling with it until you know ehre you are with it.

The Fluke is also waterproof, and can survive the washing machine :^O

i have a fluke 1AC best one i have ever had, bought it off megger mark, about 3 years ago! best one i have had and would get another.

The kewtech one i didnt think was anywhere near as good as getting it correct as the fluck1ac.

Ive also had a fluke LVD, loved the torch but broke very quickly as did many other peoples who bought it, it was a long time ago so may be better now.

Button can be a bit tempremental, belt clip does wear, but if you look after it it lasts well like any tool would. I usually clip mine to edge of work tousers so it sits inside pocket out of harms way, seems to aid longevity

As said before Fluke is the best one I have had can even tell which part of cable is live and neutral most other testers cannot do this. They also switch off automatically to save battery.

Hi M4tty, sorry i missed your post, you can find our best price by following the link on the home page, all forum members will get 5% extra off on their first order and should always contact me via the link to our web site on the home page of the forum for extra deals.

i have a fluke 1AC best one i have ever had, bought it off megger mark, about 3 years ago! best one i have had and would get another.The kewtech one i didnt think was anywhere near as good as getting it correct as the fluck1ac.

Ive also had a fluke LVD, loved the torch but broke very quickly as did many other peoples who bought it, it was a long time ago so may be better now.
As said before Fluke is the best one I have had can even tell which part of cable is live and neutral most other testers cannot do this. They also switch off automatically to save battery.
is this the one you have batty

i lost this one the other day although it was no great loss.

so i need a new one

I know we shouldn't rely on voltsticks for safe isolation etc, but mine comes in handy all the time, when you pop on a job and plumbers have live ends taped up everywhere, etc.I have a kewtek one but nowadays it lights up on just about any cable dead or live. So what do you use?
Twice :^O :^O:^O Its the downside to clipping it to the pocket of my work trousers.
two answers,

either use an apprentices finger,

or a good neon,

volt sticks will never tell you a circuit is DEAD, neither will a neon, nor a volt meter,

they will only ever tell you a circuit is live,




use a finger test before touching any cable.

I nor the forum will not be held responsible for your incompetence in utilising this method
