Don't be silly.if you get him drunk, then no idea what he will come up with next. maybe something to do with solar panels aimed at the moon of a planet 300 light years away
damn, why didnt i think of that?!Don't be silly.
Solar panels, driving a light bulb, to illuminate the panels, to generate electricity :innocent
Stick a reflector behind it and your 1 candle power gets magnified to 1 billion candle power. Sorted.damn, why didnt i think of that?!
best go patent that idea before anyone else tries to
do you think a 1 candle power torch bulb will be enough to power the 4KW of solar panels on the roof?
The fact you say that just means you haven't had enough.I think i may have had too much to drink.....
I could give you a link to a golden uphill waterfall........................but that just wouldn't be appropriate.oh, its like that funny drawing of the water running uphill to get to the waterfall,anybody got any links to a pic of that?
do you know how much the loss of energy will be on motor , pulley , generator, and others ? before post I calculate with 100%loss on motor real life is only 80%@op. I dreamed this very same idea up when I was about 10, ok not with quite as much detail your going into with different size pulleys etc, but even then it didnt take me long to realise it wouldn't work.Theory good but, friction is your enermy, its going to absorb the energy,through bearings in generator and motor, between belt and pully, even between the moving parts and the bloody air around them, cables between gen and motor will have a resistance and this will be turned into heat. Even the sound it makes is using up your energy.
If it was that simple why wouldn't a belt with a pulley either end run and run? Pulley would drive belt, belt drives other pulley, this drives the belt and the. The next pulley, on and on