Replace intermediate with 2-gang switch?

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Oct 17, 2018
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Hiya, I've tried searching for an answer to this but haven't found one yet.

We have a light on each of 3 floors controlled by a 2-gang 2-way switch on the ground floor, an intermediate switch on the first floor and a 1-gang 2-way switch on the 2nd floor. It's annoying that the 2nd floor light comes on together with the others as it is rarely needed. We would like to replace the intermediate switch on the 1st floor with a 2-gang 2-way switch so that:

- the ground and 1st floor lights are controlled by the ground and 1st floor switches and

- the 2nd floor light is controlled by the additional 1st floor switch and 2nd floor switch. 

Can this be done by just replacing the intermediate switch with a 2-gang and re-wiring the other existing switches?

If so, how should we rewire each switch? Will I need to rewire the light fittings too?

Here are some photos of the switches, let me know if you need photos of the fittings too...

This is the existing ground floor switch. The switch on the left (top in photo) controls the 3 lights. Brown in COM, grey in L1 and black in L2. Note there is also a brown wire attached to the blue using a connector.


This is the intermediate switch on the 1st floor. Grey to both L1 and Black to both L2. Note BROWN seems to pass through a connector here.


This is the 2nd floor switch. Brown to COM, Grey to L1 and Black to L2.


It would not be straightforward to just change the switches because the incoming power supply and the outgoing switched line join the wiring at a separate point (probably at a light fitting).  Though the brown and blue in the connector block at the ground floor looks like something was changed in the past.

From the switches you effectively have the below diagram, which does not involve a supply or the light fittings.

There would have to be a practical investigation undertaken to find out where line and switched line come from and go to in relation to each of the light fittings to find out if it is possible to make that change.

3 wire 3 way switches only with cpc.jpg

Thanks Ardet, I thought it might not be that simple. Will get someone in to have a look for me.

Cheers Geoff for your idea, will have a think about it. 

Greatly appreciate your advice.
