Replacing Double Pole Switch

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Apr 7, 2013
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I'm trying to replace an existing single gang light switch with a Lightwave RF dimmer.

I've removed the existing switch to reveal 4 cables connected to a double pole switch.

www .anony .ws/ky0x
www .anony .ws/ky0Y

(I can't post photos here, so to view please copy and paste these links into browser and remove spaces)

I can't figure out why a single, independent ceiling light in our bedroom would be wired this way or how to replace the existing switch with the Lightwave dimmer?? 

Lightwave installation instructions:  www .anony .ws/ky0I

Any help would be appreciated.

your links don't work, even without the spaces.

Try and describe what you have. How many wires, and more importantly how many terminals are actually used on the switch? you might have 4 cables but I bet they don't all go to 4 different terminals.


Finger trouble. Here are your pictures:

You have an unusual setup there using a double pole switch.

What you need to do is connect all the black wires together in a connector block.

then the TWO reds that currently go into the top terminal to the L terminal on your dimmer.

and the single red in the bottom terminal to the X terminal on your dimmer.

It is important that the two reds that are currently into the top terminal always stay together and don't get confused with the single red.

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Hi there are four cables with 9 cores two Twin&Earth and two Single&Earth in total 3 red 3 black and 4 copper (Earth green/yellow)  the top should be the supply and the bottom the load (this should be marked on the switch)

all the blacks should go into their own connector, the single red and the one from the T&E at the top and marked L look like the feed and should go into the terminal marked "L" and the red from the other T&E at the bottom should go in to the terminal marked "X"  all the earth should go into the terminal marked earth on the switch if its has a metal cover if not then into their own connector

I need to type faster Dave beat me to it

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Thank you so much guys.... all working fine now. I'd have never figured that one out for myself.

Very much appreciated.

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