Revision sites for sparks?

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Oct 12, 2009
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Hey guys. Im an apprentice just starting college and was wondering if there are any sites on the net to help me with revision and extra practice?

Main stuff Im looking for right now is determining current in resistors, and transponding formulas.


Hey guys. Im an apprentice just starting college and was wondering if there are any sites on the net to help me with revision and extra practice?Main stuff Im looking for right now is determining current in resistors, and transponding formulas.

I don't mean to be pedantic but I would suggest you transpose the formulae rather than send them somewhere with a transponder ;)

The best way of learning this for simple formulae is using the triangles like Admin had set out on his formula page. Remember that if you move something from one side to the other multiply becomes divide and vice versa.

Take Ohm's law V=IR

we can arrange it three possible ways - so if we want to find R we need to move I (current) over to the other side. As it stands the formula suggests current multiplied by resistance equals voltage so we swap it over and it becomes V/I = R - more sensibly written as R=V/I.

So how do you find the current (I) if you are given V (voltage) and resistance ®?

Here's the triangle if you want to cheat!


TO find voltage its current multiply by resistanceto find current divide voltage over resistance

to find resistance divide voltage by current

O) O) :Y :x

Only taken you six weeks to work it out Badge!

