Ring main circit diagram

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Hi mate,

If I remember right the 'circuit diagram' for a ring final is exactly the same as the circuit diagram for a socket radial.

Something like this:

Ring Final.jpg

Well, if you have a ring final with three sockets on it, then that's what they are - three sockets in parallel :p

He didn't ask for a schematic - he asked for a circuit diagram. ;)

You're right about the +ve and -ve though, it should read 'L' and 'N' (Ive changed it now:))

I remember having it drummed into us - What does a circuit diagram show?

A. How a circuit operates - that's it.

No wiring or how it's connected.

Like this one for two way lighting.

It's not how you'd wire it - it's how it works. :)

Two way lighting.jpg

The OP may have asked for circuit diagrams but possibly meant to ask for wiring diagrams.

Other sites are probably ok just not other forums and thats a rule on most forums.

One like this, is what I drew, and it was happily accepted by my Lecturer.


Nope, not from wikipedia.

From the net, but there are so many around.

I have checked that it is the public domain - and that it is not copyrighted.

I did some tweeks, and have claimed it. ;)

I personally, would have done the CU better, although - it is easy to understand.

If you want to see an example of my CUs, have a look at my One, two and three (intermediate) way lighting circuit, circuit diagrams - in the Eduction Section of our Download Area. ;)

All very well, but that's a wiring diagram, labelled as a circuit diagram.

If the OP needed to look at a 'circuit diagram', so that he could draw one for an exam, for instance, then he would get it wrong by drawing that:)

If he wanted to know how it was wired, then happy days.
