Room power surge?

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Jul 6, 2020
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In my room I have a duel socket with extension cords plugged into both, all the 4 plugs from both are taken and randomly every 1-2 months my pc turns off instantly like it would in a power cut, I though it was the extension cord but then I also noticed my LED lights which were plugged into a different cord flashed off and then back on at the same time, I’m thinking this is a power surge as I don’t have surge protected extension cords but are unsure and are worried if this might be something wrong with my rooms wiring or if it might start a house fire please help

You would be wise to have it checked out. There could be a loose connection, perhaps in your consumer unit, and it could also be getting hot.

It wouldn't take an electrician long to check but you shouldn't go in there yourself unless you know what you are doing.

Note that a surge is a brief period of excess of voltage, rather than a break like you are seeing.

Do you live in a rural area? If this happens to your neighbours too it could be the auto-reclose on the high voltage overhead lines. 
I live in a small ish town near Northampton we do not have overhead lines where we are from also, we do not live in a rural area

Have you noticed any pattern to this?

Windy weather?

When the cooker is on?

have you asked your neighbours?
The cooker was off I've never experienced this before and it only seems to happen for less then a second completely randomly every few months or so (we have lived in the house for over 8 years) and it was a sunny day 
