Schedule of Rates

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Scaredy cat™
Supporting Member
Feb 5, 2009
Reaction score

Got a phone call earlier asking if I was interested in looking after an office block in Tottenham Court Road. They have asked me for a schedule of rates.

TBH I dont know what they are talking about. Are they looking for an hourly rate.

The work will be as and when needed but ive got to take into account petrol, parking & congestion charge. Ill try to get my LPG van registered as congestion charge free but wont hold my breath lol.

Any help or pointers appreciated



We use a schedule of rates at work. Works like...

job fit 9m of 3 compartment trunking to an office:

9m of trunking 15 minutes per meter, 135mins

fitted new RCBO 6 minutes, 6mins

pulled in 36m of 2.5 twin and earth 2 min per meter 72mins

fitted 5 sockets 30 mins each 150mins

in theory that should how long job will take.

The red text is the schedule of rates bit (random numbers for post). My mates got an A4 binder full of them. Do the job then spend half the day looking for codes. headbang
