Seaward PAT Testers

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Well-known member
Apr 10, 2009
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Had Seaward kit for a few years and I must say that it was the worst purchase I have ever made. Test n Tag kit. Supernova Barcode scanner.

From my experience the:

Equipment unreliable, X(

Service form Seaward is unreliable, X(

The Purchasing of supplies is unreliable. X(

The equipment that I purchased has never worked correctly from day one and even though I have given Seaward the opportunity on several occassions to rectify the problems, with equipment going back and forth for repair it has never been resolved. X(

Now at the stage where the equipment if still not 100% right but the local rep can't be bothered to return calls. Wonder why that is? Recently left 4 messages which no responce. X(

Based on my own experience but maybe useful for anyone considering spending hard earn't money on Seaward testing equipment. X(

Thank you for your post Warren. I understand your frustrations, not nice at all and I would suspect this kit was not cheap? However I must just add on this topic that although your person views and experience on reliability and service etc, may have been poor in your situation.

The above post, or any similar evaluations are in no way a blanket approval or disapproval, by the forum, of any Seaward test equipment, no doubt some people are very happy with their Seaward purchases.

That said, it is always helpful to receive real word working experiences of all sorts of test equipment.

Doc H.

Yes Doc your right the kit wasn't cheap :_|

Paid alot less for my good old trusty reliable Megger MFT1552 which I would highly recommend.

Thank you for your post Warren. I understand your frustrations, not nice at all and I would suspect this kit was not cheap? However I must just add on this topic that although your person views and experience on reliability and service etc, may have been poor in your situation.
The above post, or any similar evaluations are in no way a blanket approval or disapproval, by the forum, of any Seaward test equipment, no doubt some people are very happy with their Seaward purchases.

That said, it is always helpful to receive real word working experiences of all sorts of test equipment.

Doc H.
Please don't say we are going to have to post blooming disclaimers if we are unhappy with a product/company. This is the first time (AFAIK) a Mod/Admin has done so and it really knocks the thread on its head and doesn't open things up to meaningful discussion.

The OP was giving his side of the story, other members are free to stand up for Seaward


Please don't say we are going to have to post blooming disclaimers if we are unhappy with a product/company. This is the first time (AFAIK) a Mod/Admin has done so and it really knocks the thread on its head and doesn't open things up to meaningful discussion. The OP was giving his side of the story, other members are free to stand up for Seaward

Dunno m8? ?:| ? :| ?:|

perhaps it was just felt best to cover the old Forum rear end?

this may be a follow on after the BIG anyone bought from BCD they are crap.. no they are not debate? ?:| :|

we did have a few words of caution to 'the posters', from the "powers that be" about naming names etc..

and risks of legal action against persons publishing info on the web?

Thought you could have found that link Patch!

too much beer tonight?Guiness DrinkGuiness Drink

celebrating been top-o-the-pile? ]:) :^O :^O

all I know is.......

I aint got any Seaward... :|

and I aint ever bought anything from BDC! :(

so if I were you... I wouldn't listen to anything I say!Blushing:p:p

My post is based on my own experience and to be fair if you can get the kit to work it produces a nice job. But for the cost that is exactly what you would expect. The kit I bought has never worked correctly.

If you start to look unprofessional onsite with customers because the equipment fails, start losing business and have cost increases due to having to rearrange jobs (once the kit has been sorted out that is) then it becomes no joke.

I only offer the service as an addition to other services in my business so I'm lucky I don't have to depend on PAT but for anyone starting out in PAT on its own it could be a make or break for them.

I have a primetest model for the very little pat testing i have to do

It does the job for me, flies through its calibration every year


I would expect the top end piece of kit that you got should perform a lot better than it has

I do think a personal point of view is allowed, even in writing and even on the web, have you seen some of the political bloggersWet Fish

If i can help you WarrenG pop me a pm with your contact details, I have a meeting arranged with the Sales Director of Seaward on the 18th of November and i'm sure he would be upset to see such a post.


I'm dragging this one back up too. PAT testing is becoming more common for me at the moment, and while I'm not keen on it, it brings in other work. So has anyone used the Seaward 1000? I know its not the newest peice of kit, but it has pc upload which I think saves a lot of time!!

I thought Apache wasn't going to pass around that rear-view photo of Admin2!..Pm me a copy when you have finished please...... :x :p:Blushing

She's "fit" you know............

so we are told! :) ;) ]:) :D
He gave it to me and i'm keeping it got on my office wall.


I'm dragging this one back up too. PAT testing is becoming more common for me at the moment, and while I'm not keen on it, it brings in other work. So has anyone used the Seaward 1000? I know its not the newest peice of kit, but it has pc upload which I think saves a lot of time!!
Pc uploading is only a time saver if you have the appropriate software to go with it, if you haven't got the software it can cost a lot more than the secondhand price of the tester to buy it.

The Seaward PAT1000 does not do IT tests,

The older seawards that do IT tests are the IT1000 the PAC1500xi and the PAT2000i

their are manuals for the 1500xi and the 2000i on the download sections of this forum that might be of help in deciding if you want to get one.

I am actually retired but I do still do some work now and again including some PAT testing, to supplement my pension,

I use a seaward 2000i this was seawards top of the range at the time and although now a bit dated it still does all the tests required in pat testing, they are well made and very robust but a bit heavy and bulky compared to modern ones.

I would say they are a good buy if your after a second hand one and can be picked up quite cheaply on Ebay. And are ideal if pat testing is not your main business and or you are not doing loads of pat testing.

Ive had my seaward for many years and it has proved very reliable, in my opinion a lot better than other makes of that era, cant give any opinion on modern seawards though as have not had one.

If you do decide to go for a more modern pat tester don

I do think a personal point of view is allowed, even in writing and even on the web, have you seen some of the political bloggersWet FishIf i can help you WarrenG pop me a pm with your contact details, I have a meeting arranged with the Sales Director of Seaward on the 18th of November and i'm sure he would be upset to see such a post.

Mark many thanks for your invite which of course has now surpassed.

I haven't posted for a while as I have been really busy but to be quite honest a forum like this shouldn't be any way to resolve any poor products or services from a supplying company via a kind offering distributor when the equipment was purchased direct.

My posting was and is from my own experience of poor dealings with Seaward, a company that I will not be purchasing from or recommending again. But again thanks for your kind offer.

I hold several brands of electrical testers in my company but the Seaward kit was very expensive and basically didn't do what it says on the tin.

On a positive note, I have purchased a number of times from your company and have also recommended.

Had Seaward kit for a few years and I must say that it was the worst purchase I have ever made. Test n Tag kit. Supernova Barcode scanner.From my experience the:

Equipment unreliable, X(

Service form Seaward is unreliable, X(

The Purchasing of supplies is unreliable. X(

The equipment that I purchased has never worked correctly from day one and even though I have given Seaward the opportunity on several occassions to rectify the problems, with equipment going back and forth for repair it has never been resolved. X(

Now at the stage where the equipment if still not 100% right but the local rep can't be bothered to return calls. Wonder why that is? Recently left 4 messages which no responce. X(

Based on my own experience but maybe useful for anyone considering spending hard earn't money on Seaward testing equipment. X(
Now I am no expert on Liability laws but reading the post it does say that it is his "experience" and I believe we are fully entitled to write about our experiences.

The post states a few facts about the equipment purchased and the "experience" the buyer has with said equipment.

I also note that the post does not suggest we should not purchase the equipment nor does it state any derogatory remarks about the manufacturer.

We, the users, do not really know the charter of the forum and what rules the Mods have to work to but I must say, I hope we do not have to make statements absolving the forum of blame when it is clearly stated as and "experience" with no malice or derogatory statements about the item.

I would not be a Mod on a forum for any mount of money no thank you sir. :Spam2

has any one replaced a battery on a seaward 2000i or does anyone know were it is i cant find it. it also says its losta number of sequences . help!!!!


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