Snowed In Yet

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this should surfice i hope :^O :^O :^O :^O
er hmmm!

Hard hat & Hi-Vis jacket please Mr badger...

Or health & safety will be round in the morning!!! :| :eek: :O

Maybe 4 inches here. My gf put 2 wheels into a ditch on her way home -I had to go and pull her out!

No harm done but she's a bit shook up

Maybe 4 inches here. My gf put 2 wheels into a ditch on her way home -I had to go and pull her out!No harm done but she's a bit shook up
Bloody heck, thats one reason why i wont drive in this weather.

My missus had a bad experience a couple of years back. There was a sudden downpoor of snow when she was out with the dog. She came home and went down the steepest hill around where we live. She nearly lost it but got home safely luckily. She vows never to drive in the snow again.


Strong winds, Heavy snowfall, and a heck of a lot on the ground.

And there are no signs of it stopping.

College cancelled last night, and no doubt it will be cancelled Tomorrow night too. :_|

Still, at least my children are happy. :D

Should have been in Kent today leaving it till tomorrow, staying in the midlands.

at least the schools are open by us today.

Couldnt they have used yesterday as a teachers training day. How to get to school in bad weather,as others have to get to work.

snow is melting rapidly here,,,

kids at home,,,,,,,school declared closed for the day at 07:15 just as we were getting coats on

one school had told local radio it was closed only to change its mind an hour later !!!!!! whats that about ????

poor kids

Still pleanty arround but the main roads are clear in Wensledale :)

Judging by the number of posts today - some of you are taking snow days :)

Still quite a lot about, started to melt a bit in the day a few flakes this evening freezing though. computer says it is 1 deg. Feels a lot colder must be the wind chill.

