Sold my soul to the devil for what???

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Agree with most of the comments about op but I didnt make a mistake i did the DPIR add on and only then was I told about not being able to promote it! I even did the 3 day course on it just in case I learnt something! So no advertising and no money back, had similar problems changing to AC, give us
Hi I was planning to apply for NICEIC membership.Fortunately I read all their bumpf and soon realised that to be able to produce certificates,it was going to cost an arm and a leg.I do some commercial work in addition to domestic. And as far as I remember the NIC wanted around

Not sure if ALL those organisations live of the backs of working!!!But from what little i know, surely there can be a better way of doing things, that doesn't cost the earth to be a member of. Which brings me to another query, ....What do the Scams actually provide to the electrician from being a member?? OK i understand that there supposed to verify competent electricians, but from what i can see, It seems they are more interested in Fee's, than verifying those that are competent or not...

Wherever there is money involved, then supposed standards normally go out the window, in favour membership numbers.... I think it would have been far more useful to have a self funding government run organisation than this mish mash of private companies running things....
An independent licensing system i.e. Licence to Practice :

Level B (Electrical Installer) - Baseline qualifying criteria should be Level 3 Installation TRAINING & qualification, 17th Ed Regs, on-site assessment for each relevant sector.

Level A (Electrical Inspector and Tester) - as above PLUS C&G 2391 PLUS 5 years experience.

Once you have satisfied the qualifying criteria , you can THEN be assessed and be issued with a photo ID card INDEPENDENTLY of any employer or Scheme provider.

All that your domestic customers need to know is : NO CARD NO WORK !

At least your customers could be sure that the person carrying the card was a trained, qualified and assessed electrician - Part P and the scams can't even guarantee this simple requirement.

And before all of you Part P wonders start moaning, think on this :

If you are so confident in your own abilities - inform your customers that you are not a qualified and trained electrician and let THEM decide if they wish to employ you! (surely you would not wish to deceive your valued customers?)

An independent licensing system i.e. Licence to Practice :
As i see it, the only way your going to get TRUE independent licensing authority/system, is for that licensing to be issued and run by a self financing ''Government body''. If you think that these Scam organisations will play on a level playing field, i think your going to be disappointed. They will always be chasing the money, as would any private company. Where ''Profit'' always Rules!!!

I think that the system could be administered by the IET.

Also, we should ALL BE USING THE SAME CERTS - if the IET would get their finger out and make a proper job of them!

There is no need whatsoever for the range of certs currently in use. Everyone could use the same certs, available as a free download from the IET. They could even provide software to fill in the certs/reports at nominal cost to stop the endless scams that abound in our industry.

It is totally unacceptable to expect non-technical people to understand multiple formats of certs - all you would need to do is insert your Licence Number as applicable.

Screw the scams - they've had their chance and blown it through sheer greed and incompetence. Kick out the jokes that are "Trustmark", "Constructionline", etc etc and just ensure people know what the hell they are doing to start with.

Part P has been distorted by the scams to AVOID raising standards - Time for a sensible system that promotes proper training, qualifications and experience - it's the only way the public will ever get a fair deal.
