Some Professional Advice Required

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Oct 22, 2012
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Hi , had a new kitchen fitted by Tesco Kitchens . just over 2 weeks ago including some electrical work .last few days we have been having some lost of power both to the ring & kitchen ' first time I went to the RCCB? box to flip the switch back only to realise the switch was now showning as off so I flicked them again to on , went to check all working , next day it happened again but before I could get downstairs it was on again , and the next day same again , today it has happened three time and about 2 hours ago off it went again only to stay off for over an hour before starting again.

Through a range of incidents I have lost faith in Tesco and the Installer and need some advice - my inclination is to get an independent 'leccy in to sort this out and if it is their error bill them for it.



I actually disagree with the two posters above - the person who messed up should come out and sort this. Even if you have to go 'up the chain' so to speak.

The only caveat would be that if you didn't have RCD/RCBO protection previously it could actually be one of your own appliances causing the problem rather then the new electrical work.

What I don't understand is it goes "off", but the then comes back on all by itself.

WHAT goes off? the sockets? the lights? both? the oven etc?

Are you sure you are not just having a power cut and the whole house is going off?

IF just one circuit is going off, and then mysteriously coming back on, I suspect a loose connection in which case as others have said, get whoever did it back to put it right.

Get in touch with them informing them that if they do not return and fix the problem PDQ then you will be getting another electrician to fix the problem and you will bill them for the electricians time and if they don't pay you will see them in court also you will be contacting watchdog about them and the problem.

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Get in touch with them informing them that if they do not return and fix the problem PDQ then you will be getting another electrician to fix the problem and you will bill them for the electricians time and if they don't pay you will see them in court also you will be contacting watchdog about them and the problem.
No point being nasty on your opening shot.Contact them politely and say you have some problems and you want them to come and fix them.

the time to get nasty and threaten court and Watchdog is only after they have refused to come, or when they have come and failed to fix the problems.

I actually disagree with the two posters above - the person who messed up should come out and sort this. Even if you have to go 'up the chain' so to speak.

The only caveat would be that if you didn't have RCD/RCBO protection previously it could actually be one of your own appliances causing the problem rather then the new electrical work.
for some reason, i thought he already had the original installer back

Ptach is right - you should get the original installer back first. if all that fails, then get someone else. but unless you get them back first, then you will have absolutely no chance of them paying the invoice for someone else

thanks for all the replies - the installer did put the RCCB in which now supplies the kitchen ring and an all electric cooker but I believe he fed it from the old fused ground floor ring , now its the entire ground floor thats going off and on and theres no common denominator - once the washer and the dryer we going , then it was the dryer on its own , then the dishwasher on its own. As to going up the chain - this same installer misfitted a pull out larder unit that came out of its housing with my 5' 2" wife trying to prevent it falling on her , he also left a live socket hanging away from its mounting box for 4 days with instructions to be careful (I took a photo of this - it was about 3 inches away wired & live) , and I dont really trust the company to do a honest investigation.

can I ask something before we get into a blame game here,?

did he supply you with a certificate for the work he carried out,

not only is in in a special location [kitchen] according to the regs,

but any reputable spark would supply a cert for any major work like that he carried out.

thanks for all the replies - the installer did put the RCCB in which now supplies the kitchen ring and an all electric cooker but I believe he fed it from the old fused ground floor ring , now its the entire ground floor thats going off and on and theres no common denominator - once the washer and the dryer we going , then it was the dryer on its own , then the dishwasher on its own. As to going up the chain - this same installer misfitted a pull out larder unit that came out of its housing with my 5' 2" wife trying to prevent it falling on her , he also left a live socket hanging away from its mounting box for 4 days with instructions to be careful (I took a photo of this - it was about 3 inches away wired & live) , and I dont really trust the company to do a honest investigation.
the larder falling apart isnt really our department, but Im sure it gives an indication of the standard of work.

as for the socket, FFS, little notice or not, that is ridiculous!

Unfortunately the complaints procedure is very drawn out, you must keep account of all discussions be it by telephone or the written form. You must give that company every opportunity to put things right. When they do not, then advise them that you will take legal advise and instruct an independent electrical inspector to evaluate the condition of the installation.

sorry if I appear to be blaming , I was just trying to explain my reluctance to deal with Tesco or Mark2 (the actual makers) or the contractor , dont want compo just want a conclusion and peace of mind and whats happened is why I would rather go another route .

IAll I have is basic grasp of physics but loss of power to the kitchen and ground floor ring + cooker feed that hasnt tripped the RCCB or blown the fuse wire is mystifying.

got 3 sheets of NA/EC/001 (V1) - sheet 3 right? its a bit scrawly but does 7200 seem right? its that value for both cooker & ring for live/live & Live/earth
