Hi , had a new kitchen fitted by Tesco Kitchens . just over 2 weeks ago including some electrical work .last few days we have been having some lost of power both to the ring & kitchen ' first time I went to the RCCB? box to flip the switch back only to realise the switch was now showning as off so I flicked them again to on , went to check all working , next day it happened again but before I could get downstairs it was on again , and the next day same again , today it has happened three time and about 2 hours ago off it went again only to stay off for over an hour before starting again.
Through a range of incidents I have lost faith in Tesco and the Installer and need some advice - my inclination is to get an independent 'leccy in to sort this out and if it is their error bill them for it.
Through a range of incidents I have lost faith in Tesco and the Installer and need some advice - my inclination is to get an independent 'leccy in to sort this out and if it is their error bill them for it.