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If he comes back and claims poverty. X(


Bless him - he has worked hard for it. :)

No love. Lack of hearing aid makes it quiet. Lack of specs means limited vision.Hope that helps. (Anybody`d think you were blonde!!!) ;) :^O :^O:^O] :)
OOOOO aren't we a funny sod, you knew what i meant. :(

and NO im not blonde.

He does seem to have been gone a long while, don't recall him saying he would be away all summer.


Yes... He's been on holiday for almost a month now!

He's a clever bloke that Mr Sworld! good on observing the ole dates!!! ;) :)

Go on hols 20th (soon as the kids broke up!)

Come back 20th.... (GCSE results 21st:O:|)

A whole months worth!!!! :) :) :) :) :D :D:D

I did pop back for one night on 13th for my eldest daughter to get her A-Level results on 14th... but went back...

Well I had left the rest of the family & my FAVOURITE trailer!!! down south!!! ;) :D :^O:^O:^O
