standby genny

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©Resident Geordie™
Supporting Member
Jan 1, 2009
Reaction score
S. Tyneside
anyone know much about genny's? a customer of mine wants some kind of backup to power a few computers/printers and some lighting. total load would probably be 1.5-2kw. i can easily manage connecting genny and changeover stuff, just not really sure what genny to buy. main concern is the computers may not like the output of the genny. i have a slightly (well, more than slightly) used genny which is idea for site work powering and lighting etc, but last time i plugged a printer in, the psu died.

do you think a fairly cheap one would be OK for occasional use? Makro have a 2kva diesel and 2.2kva petrol for a few hundred. auto start etc is not needed

anyone got any advice?

Main problem you will find is if its for computers they will need an auto start, UPS is normally a must.

I installed one a few years ago and the gen was around

i was planning to use a UPS to power base unit only until genny takes over. it wont need auto start. there will be someone who can switch it on if required. i was going to use contactors for the change over, so all they would need to do is turn keyswitch to start genny, then press a button to change over.

the genny you linked to is a bit OTT for this. and way too much for what its going to be used for

I had this a few years back, cusomer wanted to run half the print works off a genny. Heidleberg were not happy for their press, IT man was not happy either. It was a big genny, so I took advice from a local generator hire company, bloke was really helpful, the estimated fuel consumption was horrendous and it never happened in the end .

Don't be afraid to ask an expert, Andy, I always do with transformers.

i think i have something sorted. the place can operate without power, but it would be nice to have the computers and some lighting working, so the plan may be something as simple as a 32A plug in mains cupboard wired to a changeover switch and a list of 'if running from backup, turn off these breakers' and plug in genny. itll probably never be used, other than a test every so often....

Hi there,

Ideally, use a UPS to smooth the supply.

If the load is only 2KW then something like a 3KVA or 5KVA unit, and get the generator to feed this.

Alot of UPS's will have a contactor to remote start the genie when power has failed.


Refresh my memory please? What is a UPS again? (Not the parcel courior).
