Stephens1974 gripes from Hi-Jacked thread

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just for the Original posters information, there are plenty of '5 week wonders' that have joined the forum, asked the questions they needed to ask, and got nothing but good honest replies, and a bit of banter thrown in too for good measure, I should know, Im one of them

And some of us stick around, coz actually its quite good here really :)

Me too. And Theo. And a few others.

The main thing about this place is you are treated with respect based on giving respect first. This means being honest about your abilities and level of understanding.

But I agree with thr requirement to show that you have "had a go" at a question before simply posting it and expecting to be given the answer. Certainly that's how it was for me at university. If I simply went to one of my tutors with a question we'd been set without making any attempt at it first, I'd have got short shrift. Not only that, but it is no way to learn.

Some other forums don't even have a dedicated student and learning zone!!!

And one more thing. If you think this forum is bad, try the Screwfix forum!

I just remember good old friendly debates with very strongly held veiws, knowing that every day we learn something new, but always have known some are beyond help.
