Telehone troubleshooting problem

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Well first off the 2 NTE5's are wired slightly oddly in that at least one seems to be wired with cores from different pairs. TBH there's not really much info to go on, doesn;t matter if the wires are green, white or pink, it's what's on them and what's at each end that counts so really you need to do more investigating and\or get someone in familiar with telephone wiring.

You shouldn;t replace the NTE's if they are the property of BT but by the sounds of it it's an internal wiring problem. Also they may be from different lines and an intermittent tone means messages on the line, probably.

If that is the BT test on 0800 800151 I have not got a steady dial tone and I can't dial out.

If she has just moved in is the line actually meant to be active? has it ever worked? has she paid any bill yet? I would have though it would be BT's problem to start with. It may be disabled at the exchange?

Doc H.

not activated at exchange

she needs to phone BT they will test line from their end

if it is ok and not their fault come back to us

'just moved in' is the clue

not activated at exchangeshe needs to phone BT they will test line from their end

if it is ok and not their fault come back to us

'just moved in' is the clue
And the second clue is "intermittent dial tone"! ;)

It's like a murder mystery night here ....

Hercule Porridge will have it sussed in no time!


can you tell if its activated by testing for the 48volts on the incoming cable or will there be voltage there whether its activated or not?

can you tell if its activated by testing for the 48volts on the incoming cable or will there be voltage there whether its activated or not?
In the olden days phone lines were physically pegged out on the jumper frame at the exchange to disconnected the actual copper conductors between exchange and home...

nowadays its just software setting...

The line is there, but certain features "Such as dialing out" are disabled!!

When restrictive features are set on a line this is often indicated by "Broken or intermittent dial tone"..

These sort of arrangements can make it easier for the poor old BT guy tracing faults through the cabinets & up the poles...

Pukka dial tone.. lines a goodun..

Broken dial tone.. line is physically intact but NOT currently in use.

No dial tone.. Lines a Dead-Un! :(

Well it used to be a bit like that in my day as a telephonic communications operative...

It may have changed a bit.. but as a rule just because you got the voltage is doesn't mean the line is actually set as usable at the exchange.


Thanks specs, spot on, as they say 'everydays a school day!'


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