"temporary" commercial kitchen over xmas.

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On a positive(ish) note:

This temp. kitchen is now going to be installed on the 4th Jan - after the xmas madness (thank you guardian angel ).

But......One of the 3KW deep fat fryers is going to be a 6KW jobbie, for the chips (3KW won`t be fast enough) ; and the 8no. microwaves ( which CAN all be used at one time) are 2000W microwave power, meaning they draw 12.8A from the supply to derive the 1950W of micro power (gulp!).

Think the wiring is going to be singles in trunking (galv?) run within a specailly constucted stud dwarf wall. I`ll also fabricate a TPN panel ( don`t want to buy anything they can`t use afterwards..........), with a load of commando`s and half a dozen 13A skts........

Also been looking at the lighting. Think we`ll fit a couple of 250W HQI floods, and maybe a track light too ( we can re-use these in(and outside) the premises.


Sold him on that idea bud......

He`s building an extension to the property, and we`re fitting a three phase install to the roof once its done - lovely unshaded BIG south-facing, with zero shading ;)

3 phase k? how does that work? conventional array but 3 phase inverter?

Ok - the temp kitchen got ripped out yesterday (been operating since 5th Jan).

Stress? STRESS???

I concentrated so much on the temp. supply parameters; and spent 16 hrs on site rigging it, that I hadn`t given much (read ANY) thought, to the wiring of the main kitchen whilst the temp. was in use!!!!!

Luckily, the temp held well - it spiked at 1.5 x service fuse rating, for a minute or so at a time, then dropped to 60-90% of rating.

Thanks to them who provided loan bits & bats for use over the time - they`ll be winging their way back to you in short (ish) order............

