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Hi Guys (& gal).I hope everyone`s got their soul clean, purged & ready to be collected?

I`m feeling a bit "grim" tonight!

But it`s ok. Don`t be scared. There`s no need to "fear the reaper!":^O] :) :^O ]:)B)
I am currently dousing myself in a special alcoholic 666 repelant...

I have been reliably informed I shall be safe from your powers....

as long as I take a sufficient dose!!!

next can due to come out of fridge..... any minute now!!


(p.s. slipshod asked me to ask you.. "have you finished with his pants?

hes wearing a wheelbarrow at the moment!! ) :D :D:p:p:p

I regret to inform you all that the grass is not greener on the "other side"! :eek:

I had it all paved, last time I was in residence! :^O

This is my soul- collection post. ]:)

The reason every alternate line appears to be blank, is that I have posted a soul-liminal message there. By reading this post, you have unwittingly sent me your soul. Thankyou for your donation! ]:)

Nosgaroth! Nosferatu! Paternoster! Gingganggooligooligooligooliwatchagingganggoogingganggoo!


Be advised. The medication doesn`t really work. It`s a placebo. :p

Sheepie`s fault. ; \

WOW! SL! AD2! Who`d have thought you two would have such twisted, imaginative souls? :eek: :x

After my job, are ya? :^O

Oh, yes. A word to the wise:

Guinness is good!!!!!!! :D

I regret to inform you all that the grass is not greener on the "other side"!I had it all paved, last time I was in residence!

This is my soul- collection post.]

The reason every alternate line appears to be blank, is that I have posted a soul-liminal message there. By reading this post, you have unwittingly sent me your soul. Thankyou for your donation!]

Nosgaroth! Nosferatu! Paternoster! Gingganggooligooligooligooliwatchagingganggoogingganggoo!


Be advised. The medication doesn`t really work. It`s a placebo. :p

Sheepie`s fault. ; \

WOW! SL! AD2! Who`d have thought you two would have such twisted, imaginative souls? :eek: :x

After my job, are ya?:

Oh, yes. A word to the wise:

Guinness is good!!!!!!! :D

woz that it?

dunno what all the fuss was about.....

me left leg twitched a bit... but ho-hum...

whats the next number then 1000??


??0001 neht rebmun txen eht stahw

...muh-oh tub ...tib a dehctiwt gel tfel em

.....tuoba saw ssuf eht lla tahw onnud

?ti taht zow



Aghh!!! ]:)

you made me just slip into mirror world:_|:_| X(

You swine KME!!

I know your plan?

you'll have me pulling out all the cable I installed today...

so you can go back tomorrow and get my business!!!!

You will never succeed!!

I have a special weapon!


More medication Welshy!! and I will have that twix after all:D:DB)

"""Special weapon"""???? Steppie`s nag? Pull the other `un mate, it plays jingle bells!?dlrow rorrim s`tahw ,yawyna dnA


when the real people wake up tomorrow and see the posts they will think...

ffs! :eek: what's all that about? am I still drunk?

is it today? or yesterday? or tomorrow? ?:| :x


pass them devil horn's..

pointy tail....

and the big pitch fork!

think I'm fast approachin '666'... ]:) ] :) ]:) ] :)


Its pullin me in faster .. i cant stop!! :( :(

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO............... :_| :_|

Time to hide again!!!
No time for that, young lady. Can`t you get that angel of yours to turn round??? I want to see his/her/its face] :)

Anyway, don`t worry about SL. Your soul, with the others, is travelling through the space/time continuum as we speak; on its way to `Collection point "B"` ]:) :D

There won`t be many for him to harvest. Hahahahhahaha:^O

sorry, where`s me manners? Evenin` Mrs. :x

Everything ok? `s unusual for you to be on here this late love.Welshy snoring again?
I thought I saw welshy outside the open-all-hours, all night corner shop...

buying Twix's...

he's been trying to lure Theory into into his trap!!

If you don't believe me....

Go follow that trail of Twix wrappers! :eek:

There`s nowt on, is there?
Hope he hasn't been numbed to brain stagnation by Eurovision!!! :eek: :O

I wouldn't wish than on anyone!!



KME & Steptoe & Slipshop & just one of the Dons boys... you know the shorter one with the ginger hair?

but no one else!! :^O :^O:^O

Oh he is easy to please...been lookin at that box of open 20mm grommets for nearly an hour now! :|

just pop down and change it for a box of 2"x10 cross-head screws... :p

to give him a change! :D
He's PHSL at that spec :^O

No he's watching the box.
Oh he is easy to please...been lookin at that box of open 20mm grommets for nearly an hour now! :|

just pop down and change it for a box of 2"x10 cross-head screws... :p

to give him a change! :D
S`funny. I was going to say something about being rude; and information overload. Never thought of him watching grommets. Or even wallaces.

Should have made sure they weren`t "open" grommets though! Blind ones would have been a better choice.

They`ll get self-conscious, being watched like that! And they have such an open-ness to them.

He`d better hope they`re not nasty, hoodie type grommets.........

"What YOU lookin` at?"

:^O :^O

Well this is it................

'666' ]:) ] :) ]:) ] :) ]:)

Was that it???? :eek:

KME you lied!! :( :(

You told me it was like riding bare back..

on wild horses...

through volcanic mountains...

with wind and hail spitting and flying in all directions....

trampling on hoards of restless souls...

But it wasn't! :( :( :(

bit more like tryin to pull Steptoes cart up a '1 in 4'

with that lame old nag he calls a horse...

whilst towing Slipshod's wheelbarrow, (and associated load!) :_|

well if thats it...

I'm off to bed! X(

Well this is it................'666' ]:) ] :) ]:) ] :) ]:)

Was that it???? :eek:

KME you lied!! :( :(

You told me it was like riding bare back..

on wild horses...

through volcanic mountains...

with wind and hail spitting and flying in all directions....

trampling on hoards of restless souls...

But it wasn't! :( :( :(

bit more like tryin to pull Steptoes cart up a '1 in 4'

with that lame old nag he calls a horse...

whilst towing Slipshod's wheelbarrow, (and associated load!) :_|

well if thats it...

I'm off to bed! X(
I do not lie!!!

It`s simply that I had all the souls; when I got there first m8.

You got the scraps that I didn`t want. Anyroad, I`ve got your soul; so it would have felt different to you!!! Duh?

:^O :^O:^O:^O


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