The Sights You See While Working

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Feb 18, 2008
Reaction score

At a place today undertaking remedial's, let in by some bloke who wasn't at the place when I did the testing last month.

Was offered a brew & cracked on at the bottom of the stairs fitting a couple of RCD's to the cu, hear some high spirited banter between a couple of blokes & a couple of birds, looked up as I heard some one come to the top of the stairs.............

WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO shes butt naked.....honestI didn't look like a rabbit in a cars head lights and stare....but............ she had shaved :Applaud

Me " Urmm morning.........................good night out?"

Her "Oh hi....... yes absolutely ******* wasted & still that way I think"......"would you like a paddy coffee?" (her words not mine)

Me "no thanks I'm fine"

She wanders off & I carry on with what I was doing ............ thinking gotta tell the forum lads this one.

The conversation upstairs then goes along the lines of...(only heard the raised voices from here on)

Him " yes you did outside in the pub garden"

Her "no I never.........I don't remember that"

Her mate "you did"

Her "**** off"

Her mate " you did this"

Now at this point I have finished & am ready to go, so start up the stairs, turn into the kitchen to return the cup & let the geezer know I'm done...........















To be met with one bird sat on the table with a bit of dental floss on &  baps flapping in the air, one bloke necking a beer by the sink........the other bloke is stood in the middle of the room & the other bird is trying to blow him up...............

Me trying to avert my eyes, blurt out while pointing to the bird on the table "careful you've nearly sat on the knife" :facepalm:  

"thanks for the brew see you" and made my leave of the place.

Have to say that's a first for me!

I got home & told the other half, when shed stopped laughing she said I should have asked the bird if she wanted egg & bacon with the sausage.

Well I'm disappointed 107, I do believe that you are renowned for taking photos of your day that you share with the forum. Sooooooooooooooooooooo where are they?

Well I'm disappointed 107, I do believe that you are renowned for taking photos of your day that you share with the forum. Sooooooooooooooooooooo where are they?
By the sounds of things he could have VIDEOED it and they wouldn't have minded!

The nearest I ever got to that was wiring a new build, the joiner pipes up "ere lads come and have a look at this"

A woman next door was sunbathing topless in the garden.

Yeah I know, no comparison. :coat
