The Vaccine...

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Mar 12, 2011
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Psychiatric ward??
Ok, as a member of NHS staff, i can have the vaccine this sunday if i want...

What would you all do?? Yes or no?? Do not like needles, but being intubated woudl not be much fun either. But then there are potential unknown side effects..

If you had the chance, would you all have it [only gives 5 months protection though...]


 Definitely yes.

There have been enough vaccinated already that big side effect issues would be coming to light.

Bigger worry is the p****** about with time to second jab going on.

Well, the misses had hers about 3 weeks ago, then got tested positive 12 days ago 

if I was offered it, I would have it

why wouldn’t you?

Would the positive test be detecting the vaccine?? Did your other half have the illness bad then??

Hmm, do not like being stuck with needles?? Not sure about side effects, but like Dave said big problems would have come to light by now i imagine..


without being tested she wouldn’t have known she had it. And she is tested each week too

Her only symptom was a slightly sore throat. 

so not bad at all.

nobody else had any symptoms either

Apparently, the vaccine does not claim to prevent it altogether, but is good at stopping serious illness, so perhaps this was the case with your other half.. Probably then, without the vaccine, she [and the others] would have been very ill??


 Probably then, without the vaccine, she [and the others] would have been very ill??

only a small proportion of people are seriously affected and these IMHO 


 have underlining health issues

 are over weight

 and she doesn’t come under any of these

What people need to learn from this is living a healthier lifestyle is better for everybody

only a small proportion of people are seriously affected and these IMHO 


 have underlining health issues

 are over weight

 and she doesn’t come under any of these

What people need to learn from this is living a healthier lifestyle is better for everybody

like dont get old?

No medicine or medical procedure has a 100% guaranteed exactly identical result for everyone...

(as humans are odd-bods and there are always some obscure anomalies)..

No medicine or medical procedure is a 100% guaranteed cure claiming that you will never ever be able to catch something again at a later date..

Pre-lockdown, when travelling abroad to numerous exotic locations was allowed, an abundance of vaccinations were administered every year..

with all sorts of various possible side-effects and/or guidance of things to avoid following the treatment..

Covid-19 is one of a variation of Coronaviruses that have been known about and investigated for many years.. 

It is not a completely new, unknown quantity, that has had to be started from scratch last year to evaluate possible solutions / vaccines.

Right from day 1.. the fundamental guidance has been that the majority of people who are infected with Covid-19 will have relatively mild symptoms..

and probably 10% or less will have serious symptoms possibly needing medical help..

Hence the advice to isolate for 2-weeks AND ensure basic hygiene, hand washing etc as a major defence! 

(We are convinced our youngest, in his 20's had Covid back in Jan 2019..

He lives & works in Portsmouth and had major flu like symptoms, horrendous cough, pretty much bed ridden for approx 5 or 6 days, since then all OK again!).


Just like the common cold the volume of people who are infected can be very very very large..

and it can be easy to catch if kept in close proximity to others who are infected..

So even a minority who have more serious symptoms, from a very very vary large group,

(often compounded with other underlying medical issues, age, diet, weight etc..),

can cause serious congestion at hospital emergency departments..

Which is the bottom line problem in all this...

[ Saving Hospitals Not People. ]

If you did get really ill..

there may not be "room at the Inn" to treat you!

Bit like why you take vaccines before going abroad, as there may not be room/knowledge/resources in a distant foreign country like you have back home..

You just need to think of it as taking a jab before popping off to to remote island where they have no NHS to patch you back up if you get ill..

My dad and mother-in-law have both had their first jab, and neither have grown horns or losing their hair....!


only a small proportion of people are seriously affected and these IMHO 


 have underlining health issues

 are over weight

 and she doesn’t come under any of these

What people need to learn from this is living a healthier lifestyle is better for everybody

Hmm, not so sure about that.. I know a lot of people that have had it, maybe 30 or more. One bloke died, another i heard of [but never met] was young and very fit and he died, a few said it was not much fun, but the majority said it was terrible, the worst thing they have ever had with a few convinced that they were going to die. These were all mainly young [20's to 40's] fit NHS staff. Conversely, my dad had it and he is 86 and he said it was nothing..


Hmm, not so sure about that.. I know a lot of people that have had it, maybe 30 or more. One bloke died, another i heard of [but never met] was young and very fit and he died, a few said it was not much fun, but the majority said it was terrible, the worst thing they have ever had with a few convinced that they were going to die. These were all mainly young [20's to 40's] fit NHS staff. Conversely, my dad had it and he is 86 and he said it was nothing..


From the few times I have attended our local hospital, (Most recent in Nov 2019 when my 86 year old mum died. {not Covid}), 

I have been absolutely gob-smacked at the number of NHS staff who are clearly overweight.... :eek:

(you would have though they would have known better)

Roll back 2years or so pre Covid..

The facts are that vast swathes of the UK population were already seriously unhealthy, overweight, obese, unable a walk a few miles or up a moderate hill without panting for breath..

You only need to look at the average person walking around your local supermarket..

have you noticed the number who have to use the shopping trolley as a walking frame!?

BUT..   99.999999% are in denial that they have any health issues...

I can remember seeing several programs about the hidden dangers of poor health and lack of exercise that will be bringing impending problems to many unsuspecting people, who rely on the car for the shortest walkable journeys, and spend most of their working life sitting at a desk...

(think one program was along the lines of "The chair is the killer"..)

Now we have kids who don't eat or don't know what fruit or vegetable's are.. but live off ready meals / take-aways!

(this has been going on for years)..

And school uniform sizes have expanded to near adult sizes for 11 or 12 year old kids! 

Anyone remember Jamie Oliver trying to improve school dinners..?

This is clearly a reflection on the parents dietary habits, as children only follow what they are taught!

There was a major issue in the press recently about Boris cycling 7miles away from home..

WTGrape.. !!

and average reasonably fit person could cycle at 12 to 15mph and if popping out for just over an hour could be 10miles away then back again!

Few weeks ago I went for a local 8 mile walk with my wife.. (no car, straight from home)..  

In the previous Lockdown when the weather was a bit more sunny I did a few 12mile+ walks.

But talking to various people I know they would never contemplate going more than a mile from home without a car!!

The reality is that a much higher proportion of the population are actually Not healthy Or fit..

but they think they are.


Happily, where i work, many of the staff are stormingly attractive young ladies!!


This may require photographs before we believe you. (telephone numbers can be sent later).  To answer your initial question, if offered I think I would take the opportunity and recommend any close family members to also accept if they were offered the chance. The sooner this is brought under a more manageable level of control, the sooner more routine standard medical procedures can be re-instated, that have been paused. Thinking of people with Cancer related problems and personal friends who have passed away due to Cancer. Covid-19 is a serious threat, but it is not the only threat to the wider public health. Lets all try to keep the lid on Covid, so that others can also have a bit of a chance of some hospital space. 

Doc H. 

This may require photographs before we believe you. (telephone numbers can be sent later).  To answer your initial question, if offered I think I would take the opportunity and recommend any close family members to also accept if they were offered the chance. The sooner this is brought under a more manageable level of control, the sooner more routine standard medical procedures can be re-instated, that have been paused. Thinking of people with Cancer related problems and personal friends who have passed away due to Cancer. Covid-19 is a serious threat, but it is not the only threat to the wider public health. Lets all try to keep the lid on Covid, so that others can also have a bit of a chance of some hospital space. 

Doc H. 

I have had a think, and i will have it for the reasons you state.. I love the NHS and my friends there and i think everyone owes a debt to society to try to bring this under control.

Having said that i have nearly had two punch ups in two days with pricks that think it is funny [one was actually laughing] whilst deliberately walking right up to you in a shop. Both gentlemen were spoken to by myself and had the wind well and trully taken out of their sails.. Funny how the threat of instant personal injury generally makes people a little more considerate..

So yes, i WILL have the vaccine for better or worse. If it helps to end this plague, well, i will have done my bit i suppose. If it all goes wrong.. Well, you cannot win them all..

I will let you all know how it goes!!!!


 [only gives 5 months protection though...]

I think thats probably mis-leading, they know at present that it gives 5 months protection, they don't know that it *only* gives that, quite likely it gives longer but they don't access that yet because the trials have not been running long enough

Given that they have found people who got infected with the original SARS-COV in 2002 and are still protected against it, there is a good likelyhood that protection wil ast quite a bit longer

The facts are that vast swathes of the UK population were already seriously unhealthy, overweight, obese, unable a walk a few miles or up a moderate hill without panting for breath..

You only need to look at the average person walking around your local supermarket..

have you noticed the number who have to use the shopping trolley as a walking frame!?

hit, nail and head

Bu the media won't discuss this in case it upsets people

and yes in supermarkets, the contents of trolleys are very revealing
