The Vaccine...

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Both myself and my wife have had Covid, that was in March 2019, well before it hit the press, I went down with it first and just thought it was a really bad dose of the flu, it got rapidly worse and for three days I was struggling to breathe, I just put this down to smoking, then the wife got it, the irony was that we both had a fortnight off work at the time, so much for going for a holiday!

We got better eventually but it took a good while, we felt tired for weeks afterwards, we didn't bother going to the doctor, we thought it was one of those, we'll get the usual spiel about keeping warm, drinking plenty of fluids and taking paracetemol. It was only later when the covid thing broke that we both sat down and discussed it, our symptoms were exactly like those of covid, in retrospect it would have been interesting if we had have gone to the doctor when we were ill, because although we were originally told that the first cases of covid didn't appear until almost a year later, that quickly changed. The last I heard was that they reckon a bloke in Italy had it in October 2019, so it makes you wonder.

My wife was sent home several weeks ago with a covid test kit, we can do our own tests at home and have the results in 30 minutes. However a week later she was sent for the vaccine, she had the fizer one and was assured that when she goes back for the second one in about 3 weeks it'll be the same vaccine, they don't mix and match apparently in our health authority. Interestingly enough though, the first batch of staff to get it got the Oxford vaccine, now they're saying the fizer one might not work, the one thing I don't get though is despite having had the vaccine she's been told to do two covid tests each week, Monday and Friday, and to log the test results on a specialist website!

I think you would be a fool not to have the vaccine. Even if you did catch covid after that, it would reduce it to a mild irritant rather than pontential death sentence. 

I  get really annoyed with the anti-vax brigade, most of which are probably alive becuase they didn't catch Polio, TB, Smallpox, Diptheria, Scarlet Fever, Measles, Mumps or Rubella, and not forgetting Meninigititis or Tetanus. No doubt most of them have had at least one dose of anti-biotics in their lives to boot, yet they harp on about it all being scary and they don't want to poison their bodies whilst quaffing wine and G&Ts - firkin morons! 

I think you would be a fool not to have the vaccine. Even if you did catch covid after that, it would reduce it to a mild irritant rather than pontential death sentence. 

I  get really annoyed with the anti-vax brigade, most of which are probably alive becuase they didn't catch Polio, TB, Smallpox, Diptheria, Scarlet Fever, Measles, Mumps or Rubella, and not forgetting Meninigititis or Tetanus. No doubt most of them have had at least one dose of anti-biotics in their lives to boot, yet they harp on about it all being scary and they don't want to poison their bodies whilst quaffing wine and G&Ts - firkin morons! 
Brilliantly put!

I  get really annoyed with the anti-vax brigade, most of which are probably alive becuase they didn't catch Polio, TB, Smallpox, Diptheria, Scarlet Fever, Measles, Mumps or Rubella, and not forgetting Meninigititis or Tetanus. No doubt most of them have had at least one dose of anti-biotics in their lives to boot, yet they harp on about it all being scary and they don't want to poison their bodies whilst quaffing wine and G&Ts - firkin morons! 

quite and because some people think they don't need the vaccination then they are only putting themselves at risk - WRONG

People still catch mumps these days and we know somebody, who despite having the MMR as a child caught mumps at University last year ....... in fact loads of them did

Both myself and my wife have had Covid, that was in March 2019, well before it hit the press, I went down with it first and just thought it was a really bad dose of the flu, it got rapidly worse and for three days I was struggling to breathe, I just put this down to smoking, then the wife got it, the irony was that we both had a fortnight off work at the time, so much for going for a holiday!

We got better eventually but it took a good while, we felt tired for weeks afterwards, we didn't bother going to the doctor, we thought it was one of those, we'll get the usual spiel about keeping warm, drinking plenty of fluids and taking paracetemol. It was only later when the covid thing broke that we both sat down and discussed it, our symptoms were exactly like those of covid, in retrospect it would have been interesting if we had have gone to the doctor when we were ill, because although we were originally told that the first cases of covid didn't appear until almost a year later, that quickly changed. The last I heard was that they reckon a bloke in Italy had it in October 2019, so it makes you wonder.

My wife was sent home several weeks ago with a covid test kit, we can do our own tests at home and have the results in 30 minutes. However a week later she was sent for the vaccine, she had the fizer one and was assured that when she goes back for the second one in about 3 weeks it'll be the same vaccine, they don't mix and match apparently in our health authority. Interestingly enough though, the first batch of staff to get it got the Oxford vaccine, now they're saying the fizer one might not work, the one thing I don't get though is despite having had the vaccine she's been told to do two covid tests each week, Monday and Friday, and to log the test results on a specialist website!

There is no way you could possibly know you had Covid-19 in March 2019. 

Did you have tests back then confirming it?

You should defo have the vaccine as it seems the virus enters the testis and locks them off for you young people making them useless. The Covid 19 gets you high fever then a slight swelling of the lower regions. 

Good luck. 

Ps I'm old I don't need them any more.. But its fun to try

quite and because some people think they don't need the vaccination then they are only putting themselves at risk - WRONG

People still catch mumps these days and we know somebody, who despite having the MMR as a child caught mumps at University last year ....... in fact loads of them did

yuo can and do still get mumps, but at a reduced level as I understand it. But with so many anti-vaxers  out and about these days, the herd immunity is being lost, and the disease is being allowed to circulate and mutate around the moron brigade, which in turn puts the rest of us back at risk. I had a big argument with someone from Totnes a while ago, (Totnes is full of Tomatoe'd anti-vac, my body is pure types). The school she worked in was having issues with meningitus, with a lot of parents not allowing their kids to be vaccinated, hence the vaccinated kids were getting infected from those who haven't been vaccinated. She just couldn't understand herd immunity is important to the success of vaccines.

yuo can and do still get mumps, but at a reduced level as I understand it. But with so many anti-vaxers  out and about these days, the herd immunity is being lost, and the disease is being allowed to circulate and mutate around the moron brigade, which in turn puts the rest of us back at risk. I had a big argument with someone from Totnes a while ago, (Totnes is full of Tomatoe'd anti-vac, my body is pure types). The school she worked in was having issues with meningitus, with a lot of parents not allowing their kids to be vaccinated, hence the vaccinated kids were getting infected from those who haven't been vaccinated. She just couldn't understand herd immunity is important to the success of vaccines.

ah the joys of fake news on the internet.

My niece and family live in Totnes! (child isn't old enough for school yet)

The problem as i see it, is that the sensible people [that observed the rules] and, [if it was just them involved, it would all be over by now] are the ones that will dutifully get the vaccine.

Meanwhile, the courgettewits that could not give a lettuced [and hence have prolonged this thing massively] are the exact ones that will definitely NOT get vaccinated.. and will therefore, spread it back to all those that did get the vaccine, as it only works for few months.. Do not believe that this is because they have not been testing it all that long and hence can only promise that it will work for 5 months, [but hope it will work for much longer] that is not the case..

In the health board where i am, they have tested everyone for antibodies too, and they apparently found out by testing those that definitely had the virus in the first place, for antibodies in the subsequent months, that these antibodies are only about for a short while. Needless to say they have already had cases of doctors having coronavirus twice..

Vaccination needs to be compulsory as otherwise they will be wasting their time.. It was compulsory for polio for one, as, although there were problems, thse were far outweighed by the general good...

Have a read of this as regards polio...

We know that trauma can, at least sometimes, affect the course of the disease, for McCloskey (1950) found in Victoria, Australia, that a relation existed in a number of cases between an injection of an immunizing agent and the subsequent  development of paralytic poliomyelitis. Hill and Knowelden (1950) found that the distribution of the bodily sites of paralysis was quite abnormal in children who had been inoculated within the month preceding the onset of their illness.

In children recently inoculated, the injected limb (arm or leg) was much more frequently a site of paralysis than in children not recently inoculated. Hill and Knowelden concluded "that there may be present in the poliomyelitis group cases which would not have been clinically diagnosed as poliomyelitis at all if their inoculation had not brought them into the paralytic group".


Has nobody watched I Am Legend? mass vaccination, miracle cure for cancer.... then everyone turned into zombies... not worth the risk :)

I have yet to be convinced. I am 56, healthy weight and fit as I run 20 miles a week or more. Modifying DNA is what unnerves me. I just think its been rushed through.

Given the choice I'd have the Oxford rather than Pfizer. Don't know much about them but get the feeling the background development they did on the Oxford one on the back of SARS and MERS makes it safer.

As an aside the lad I did my apprenticeship with has been left with long Covid. Had it and "recovered" but nearly a year on has reduced lung function. (Tbf he is a big, fat bastard 😂). Brother's MiL died in a care home of it, ditto neighbour across the road. SWMBO's cousin went in with a stroke to hospital, caught it, gone. Her uncle, care home, gone. 

Just to start the year off my Mum on the 4th of Jan. She too had gone in to hospital with a stroke and caught it. 

It's real.

Happy New Year btw! 😂

61 years old had flu twice once after the flu jab and had covid in april this year Being an ex miner I have chest problems and asthma. 

I reserve the right not to have the vaccine at this time . its killed a few vulnerable people from its side effects and has been rushed through with a government disclaimer. So at this moment its a no from me. (I still remember the Thalidomide wonder drug that was fully tested)  

Given the choice I'd have the Oxford rather than Pfizer. Don't know much about them but get the feeling the background development they did on the Oxford one on the back of SARS and MERS makes it safer

Me too!!

its killed a few vulnerable people from its side effects and has been rushed through with a government disclaimer. So at this moment its a no from me. (I still remember the Thalidomide wonder drug that was fully tested)

Yes.. I remember thalidomide too.. My mum had morning sickness and the doctor wanted to give her this.. Despite being more or less an alcoholic all her life and finally drinking herself into what amounts to being "sectioned" she did not believe in taking anything whilst pregnant.. Just as well that as it turned out.. I know a fellow who was not so lucky.. He is a remarkable chap he really is, trully an impressive individual, but still, i am sure he wishes that his mum never took it.. He had a sister too, she was the same.. A tragedy that was, and they swore blind that was safe too...

It is difficult to know what to do.. I have asked loads of people in work. They all say to have it. The one person though, they say not to listen to anyone and to make the decision myself.. That is why i asked you lot, as you are all rather wiser than me..

One bloke in work had the "covid toes" thing where your feet turn black.. I thought that necrosis was setting in.. Given that covid is a vascular condition, i wonder if it gives you dementia???


Well if it is a major hazard...

as the bulk of NHS staff are amongst the priority list to be vaccinated, (along with the elderly)...

Then they could end up wiping out the bulk of the NHS resources needed to look after the rest of us if it is dangerous,

and we get Covid,

and they got the safety evaluations wrong!

Son in law who works for the NHS had his today...

So that means so far my mother in law,  son in law and dad have all had some flavour or vaccine, (not sure exactly which one each has had)..

Still as yet no horns grown, no extra limb, no coma on the floor, no memory loss, no abnormal activities at all!


 its killed a few vulnerable people from its side effects

Not heard this, or is this news from social media? Please present evidence. The only issues I have heard of is 2 nurses who had serious allergy problems reacted badly to the vaccine - they did not die! 

OK, Polio vaccine has had issues as it is made from live virus. Most famous case was in India, where quality control was  firked up. The joy of the new vaccine is that it is made from modified RNA of a cold virus that is very similar to our normal colds, it  does not affect your normal DNA in any form. It is the safest form of vaccine ever developed. Our bodies get bombarded with virus DNA all the time, this vaccine is modified natural stuff. 

Was it rushed - sort of, but has been in developement since 2005 to tackle SARS and MERS. The big difference has been finances, ie the pandemic has seen the developement have money thrown at it, and the pandemic itself - lots of live cases to study, research and treat, which has made it possible to develop the vaccine much, much faster than normal. No corners have been cut, with many of the processes having been run in parallel rather than series further reducing development times. Think back to WW2, we went from propellors to jet aircraft and ballistic missles in only 5 years, and everything was done by pen and paper back then. There's nothing like a crisis to get things done!  

what bothers me is all the other stuff going on. Heart attacks, cancer patients etc. My brother fell and landed heavily on his lower back. He was in pain and called for a docs appointment, couldnt get one, tried walking to shop for painkillers, didnt help much repeatedly phoned docs begging for an x ray or scan only to be told no can't do x rays because of Covid. Now he's in hospital with a broken back. He eventually got an x ray, about a week after the fall and sure enough he has broken a lower lumbar vertebrae. Saving lots of lives through furloughing, lockdowns, spending £450Bn that we don't have, but probably more people going without vital treatment will nullify any covid lives saved.

In the health board where i am, they have tested everyone for antibodies too, and they apparently found out by testing those that definitely had the virus in the first place, for antibodies in the subsequent months, that these antibodies are only about for a short while. Needless to say they have already had cases of doctors having coronavirus twice..

Thats  maybe a bit misleading, its known that once the infection has gone that the antibodies disappear over a couple of months or so, its only right that they so so, otherwise there would be a load of different ones for various pathogens that you'd likely not encounter again for a very long time, but the memories of how to make them remain much longer. Yes there have been cases of folk catching it twice, but it seems somewhat rare (even rarer when you eliminate the false positives from high cycle count PCR tests from it), it does happen, but things go wrong from time to time, so it should't be treated as the dominant postion.

I'm pretty sure the whole thing about immunity, whether aquired naturally, or from the vacine fading within a year is going to not be a worry in reality.

As to vacine, Yes I'll have it when offered, I don't think there is anything to fear from the jab itself, though I do not think I particualy 'need' it. I strongly suspect that I've probably been exposed to SAR-COV2 in the past, and either not shown any symtoms or was not subseptable in the first place. I'm not even certain we as a country 'need' the vacine to get out of this, it will however reduce the number of deaths by some amount (how statistically significant this will be will never be known-although I have the feeling its too late in the season to have an amazing affect, if we were deploying it in Sep/Oct then it would have a much larger effect). Other parts of the globe however require it much more, the likes of new zealand that have largely kept the virus out of their country, or even the isle of man, unless they want to keep the gate shut until it decreases in all parts of the world then they'll need it much more.

I think you'd be foolish to turn it down, but at this stage, don't think of it as stopping the rock fall, but merely as handing you a hard-hat,
