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I think the only thing that pisses me off about this is the way it's been handled, I could have done a hell of a lot better myself.In the beginning we should have closed all ports and airports, nothing in and nothing out. We should not have had this regional tier ****e, it should have been everyone treated the same, so say we put the whole country into level 5 lockdown, only when levels have dropped across the whole country do we then all move to level 4 and so on, but we still don't allow people to go from one county or area to another without good reason. This whole quarantine has been a joke MAFF could have handled it better, they do with farms.'

Merseyside police were bragging a week or so back they'd set up checkpoints around merseyside ane were fining people going from one part to another,they even recreated checkpoint charlie at the top of the M62!

Where were they for the weeks before Christmas when they knew loads of taxis were bringing people in from Manchester and Yorkshire because our pubs were open and theirs were not! All they did was went on Twitter telling people not to do it,perhaps if they'd stopped all the taxi's coming in and fined the driver £1000 and each passenger £200 they'd have stopped coming.

I'm totally stressed by all this,I have even started sleeping as much as possible to get the days over since I have no work now, this is a common trick used by prisoners doing long sentences, honestly I'm being driven mad and still people are not following the rules,it's a good job we don't all have guns because I'd have shot quite a few people round our way by now.

I admit it is getting tedious, but have to ask are we too attuned to a fast pace of live? Do we really need to be that busy all the time, This gives us a chance to reset and perhaps look at how we actually live our life? 

I admit it is getting tedious, but have to ask are we too attuned to a fast pace of live? Do we really need to be that busy all the time, This gives us a chance to reset and perhaps look at how we actually live our life? 
I've got very little to do at the moment and any work I could do at home is outside and it's too bloody cold, I'm stuck in the house and am starting to behave like a prisoner doing a life sentence in that I'm trying to sleep as long as I can, sometimes using tablets sometimes not! today I got up at 7.45 and took the wife to work, I read a bit, watched tv and had a beer, I'll pick her up at 5pm and then go to bed where hopefully I'll sleep right through until tomorrow, it gets the days over, occasionally like the other day I'll get up and take her to work, come home have a pint of bourbon and coke for breakfast and then watch video's for 24 hours, then it's back to sleeping again. I know it's now healthy but it's the only way I can cope at the minute.

No need to get out. Sounds like you have cabin fever.  I make a point of going out every day, even if it is just a short local walk, or even just an hour chopping firewood in the garden.

No need to get out. Sounds like you have cabin fever.  I make a point of going out every day, even if it is just a short local walk, or even just an hour chopping firewood in the garden.
I need to do something but since all of this it's getting to me, I haven't got anywhere nice to walk, I live on a large estate and it's got full of idiots lately and since I stopped working I seem to have developed lots of problems, I was told years ago I needed a knee replacement but it wasn't too bad and I kept going, I think it was keeping busy that kept things moving, however that's got worse, and the spondylosis in my neck has got worse, it's as though my body thinks I've retired and can fall to bits, lol.

I think the hardest thing is I've never really had a proper hobby, well not a different one anyway, where a lot of people go fishing or walking for a hobby, mine have always been 'working' hobbies, I liked learning various types of welding, or joinery, or plastering, or working on cars and stuff, I can't sit and relax, I need to work, I spent a few days cleaning all my tools, they look like new, lol.

I'm so bad that a few years ago we went on holiday and I was that bored after a couple of days that I ended up repairing a JCB for the camping site owner. I guess I'm a slightly younger version of Fred

I don't feel sorry for myself, I made my life the way it is, I'm just totally fed up.

If you made your life the way it is, then you can make it into something new. 
I would suggest cycling, it keeps the knee moving and allows you to get out of the estate whilst actually giving you some fresh air. It’s not as rigorous as running, better than walking and keeps you warm in the cold weather. 
If you are into joinery and have a selection of bench tools etc then you could take a trip to your local woodlands and gather some logs, branches etc and construct some unusual ornaments/furniture etc, sell it on the bay or another channels or keep it for yourself? May not be everyone’s cup of tea but it’ll certainly get to doing something which is better for the spirit, body and soul than sitting and sleeping the days away? 

sitting on your arse and watching day time TV would drive me insane. I get out every day. I've just bought a load of flower seeds to plant this year, I have a dog that has to go out at least once a day anyway, and I do drive a couple miles to access oen space away from crowds. I did all the DiY last lockdown, but there's still things to do, like the annual clean behind the cooker - I quite like a bit of simple menial work, it makes a change from electricity trying to kill me!  :^O

I would suggest cycling, it keeps the knee moving and allows you to get out of the estate whilst actually giving you some fresh air. It’s not as rigorous as running, better than walking and keeps you warm in the cold weather. 

My doctor advised me against running because it is bad for your knees. His thoughts were swimming - which i find tedious , or cycling - which i do enjoy to a point - ATM i need better gloves to keep my hands warm

Thank god i have got the hospital where i work.. I do not know how people cope when they retire from something like the hospital. It is like a world in itself.. A lot of the staff do 40 odd years, retire, and then come back. One just retired recently has done 47 years there..

I love it.. I know it sounds daft and you will all laugh, but i hate to see it all fall into disrepair, i even spend my own money looking after the place.. The [needless to say outside contract] gardeners are lettuced, so last week i went and brought a kawasaki brushcutter so i can restore one of the formal gardens. I bought a benford dumper a few weeks ago to help with this too..

The hospital is a wonderful place, it truly is..


Thank god i have got the hospital where i work.. I do not know how people cope when they retire from something like the hospital. It is like a world in itself.. A lot of the staff do 40 odd years, retire, and then come back. One just retired recently has done 47 years there..

I love it.. I know it sounds daft and you will all laugh, but i hate to see it all fall into disrepair, i even spend my own money looking after the place.. The [needless to say outside contract] gardeners are lettuced, so last week i went and brought a kawasaki brushcutter so i can restore one of the formal gardens. I bought a benford dumper a few weeks ago to help with this too..

The hospital is a wonderful place, it truly is..

it sounds like you’re a lifer John. 

I just hope they remember you when you’ve gone. 

I need to do something but since all of this it's getting to me, I haven't got anywhere nice to walk, I live on a large estate and it's got full of idiots lately and since I stopped working I seem to have developed lots of problems, I was told years ago I needed a knee replacement but it wasn't too bad and I kept going, I think it was keeping busy that kept things moving, however that's got worse, and the spondylosis in my neck has got worse, it's as though my body thinks I've retired and can fall to bits, lol.

I think the hardest thing is I've never really had a proper hobby, well not a different one anyway, where a lot of people go fishing or walking for a hobby, mine have always been 'working' hobbies, I liked learning various types of welding, or joinery, or plastering, or working on cars and stuff, I can't sit and relax, I need to work, I spent a few days cleaning all my tools, they look like new, lol.

I'm so bad that a few years ago we went on holiday and I was that bored after a couple of days that I ended up repairing a JCB for the camping site owner. I guess I'm a slightly younger version of Fred

I don't feel sorry for myself, I made my life the way it is, I'm just totally fed up.

Why not try something on (Other learning sites are available, just this ones one I've used).

Loads of different courses that teach just about anything on anything. Think it cost me a tenner a month for access to everything they offer. 

I don't feel sorry for myself, I made my life the way it is, I'm just totally fed up.

Hey Phil.. None of that talk ok.... You never "made your life the way it is" at all.. I know nothing of you, but whatever crosses you have to bear, do NOT blame yourself...

I see people in work that have a very low opinion of themselves, but it seems to me that a lot of them just needed a bit of timely support that was not there when they needed it..

You know, one of he loveliest and most impressive people i know was BADLY let down.. I am sure she would not mind me telling you.. She had endometriosis [think i spelt it right!!] Anyway, nobody would believe her.. This went on for about 20 years. In the end they convinced her it was all "in her head" She was that upset by this, the idea that she was "going mad" if you like that she tried to kill herself..

Eventually, a doctor DID believer her and she was diagnosed and had a very large operation.. When first diagnosed she laughed.. The doctor asked what was so funny., and she said it was just the relief that finally someone believed her. She now works as an advocate for people with mental health problems in the hospital where i work and she is a star.. She will tell me how she never ever in a million years thought that she would be working in a hospital helping others..

It is a funny old world, you never know what is round the corner for you..

hope you ok and not too down..


Cheers guys, it gaver me a chuckle reading the comments, as for the house it's quite funny, I took over the runing of it a while ago when I first lost my job and enjoy driving the wife nuts, I'll do the washing and the hoovering and the cooking, the only thing I won't do is the ironing, I stripped the cooker down and gave it a bloody good cleaning, that was fun, when it was cold I made loads of vegetable soup, personally I hate the stuff, but the wife loves it and takes it to work.

I came up with an idea last night, I'd practice using that new mig welder I bought, the wife was quick to point out that it's cold and wet outside and it probably isn't a good idea using it inside a wooden shed, I pointed out the obvious solution, the kitchen! It's quite large and it has a stone tiled floor, so if all else fails then there we go, anyway I've found a little job to do, I'm going to try and recondition the viscous coupling on my landrover, it's knackred and I can't afford £500 for a new one, plus it's me that cleans the kitchen so the wife can't really moan can she?

If I suddenly go missing it probably means she's done me in, brutally murdered with one of my large spanners, lol

I do not thonk welding in your kitchen is a great idea either, as the redhots spatter will bounce and travel quite some distance along the stone floor. It will be found that it acts like small ball bearings too, so when you missus gets home and skids and falls over on the stuff, you will be in big trouble!!!!


Cheers guys, it gaver me a chuckle reading the comments, as for the house it's quite funny, I took over the runing of it a while ago when I first lost my job and enjoy driving the wife nuts, I'll do the washing and the hoovering and the cooking, the only thing I won't do is the ironing, I stripped the cooker down and gave it a bloody good cleaning, that was fun, when it was cold I made loads of vegetable soup, personally I hate the stuff, but the wife loves it and takes it to work.

I came up with an idea last night, I'd practice using that new mig welder I bought, the wife was quick to point out that it's cold and wet outside and it probably isn't a good idea using it inside a wooden shed, I pointed out the obvious solution, the kitchen! It's quite large and it has a stone tiled floor, so if all else fails then there we go, anyway I've found a little job to do, I'm going to try and recondition the viscous coupling on my landrover, it's knackred and I can't afford £500 for a new one, plus it's me that cleans the kitchen so the wife can't really moan can she?

If I suddenly go missing it probably means she's done me in, brutally murdered with one of my large spanners, lol

Humour, the best cure for most thngs  :^O .

Reminds me of an old frined of mine, farm hand who liked repairing old British motorcycles and stationary engines. He discovered the dishwasher was a great piece of kit for degreasing old engine cases and the like - it didn't go down too well with his missus  :slap .

PS, I know what you mean about injuries, I've gone part time to avoid covid carriers - never hurt so much in my life!! 

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Hmm. My wife is well used to my ways, and pretty tolerant, but I think bringing my welder in the house could stretch things a bit!
There was someone asking on another forum about floor tiling for his kitchen, complicated by the fact he has his lathe in the kitchen.......

There was someone asking on another forum about floor tiling for his kitchen, complicated by the fact he has his lathe in the kitchen.......
I remember Tony had a friend, and she (long story) lived high up in a tower block, apparently she had a full size lathe, a drilling machine and quite a few other engineering items in there, Tony had known her for ages but only discovered it when he went round to couple up her 250A oil cooled electric welder as it kept blowing the fuses in the 13A plug!

God only knows what the council would have said about it all.😂

The system is working!  I've never had a lot of confidence in my surgery's administrative skills but they seem to have their act together at the moment.

I received a text yesterday afternoon inviting me to book a jab at the surgery, which I have done, for 9.30am  on Sunday. 

This morning's post brought the national letter, allowing me to use one of the special centres if I wanted to and hadn't been invited by my doctor.

So, a belt and braces system, and in a timely manner for my age.

Mrs is six months younger so hopefully will get her invite soon. 

The system is working!  I've never had a lot of confidence in my surgery's administrative skills but they seem to have their act together at the moment.

I received a text yesterday afternoon inviting me to book a jab at the surgery, which I have done, for 9.30am  on Sunday. 

This morning's post brought the national letter, allowing me to use one of the special centres if I wanted to and hadn't been invited by my doctor.

So, a belt and braces system, and in a timely manner for my age.

Agree 100%

Arranging vaccinations for approx 60 million is no small task.

Then there are all the people the NHS doesn't know about - not sure what will happen to them
