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I guess the same happened with the spelling of some of our words .  I believe the Founding Fathers of the USA , once free of the British, sat down and simplified the spelling of some of the more curious English words , hence the difference today.
WRONG, I think you will find that they were just thick!

Since they have no history of their own, they had to make a mark by changing the spelling

Just being bigotted

And do you know why it was based on 12?

Hold out your right hand, palm up

Touch tip of little finger with thumb.....this is 1

Touch middle joint of little finger with thumb....this is 2

Touch lower joint of little finger with thumb....this is 3

Repeat over all fingers gives you 12

One hand = 5 digits=60

2 hands thus equals 120

2 hands 2 feet = 240

SIMPLES,!.........not a lot of people know that!

Lose a finger or thumb though and you are Barrymored

Just saying
I can agree that is somewhat logical, but then are there 14 pounds to a stone? And sixteen (?) ounces to a pint? *insert confused looking smiley here*

Its quite simple , Miss Norway , and is as follows :-

An inch is the King's thumb from the middle joint to the end. ( = 25mm)

A foot was the King's foot . ( 300mm)

A yard was the King's stride = to 3 x King's feet.

There are 1760 yds in a mile , obviously.

There are 8 furlongs in a mile ( I think)

The money however is simple :-

2 Farthings = 1 halfpenny ( pronounced hay-penny)

2 Halfpennies = 1 Penny ( Hence 4 farthings = 1 penny)

6 Pennies = Sixpence or a Tanner ( So 2 x Tanners = a Bob)

12 Pennies = 1 Shilling (or Bob)

4 Threepenny bits = 1 shilling ( Pronounced Thre'pn'ey Bits (( also rhyming slang ))

2 Bob (Shillings) = 1 Florin ( or a 2 Bob piece) ( 10 Florins = 1 Pound )

30 pennies = a Half crown ( or Half a Dollar) (( expressed as 2/6d))

5 Bob = 1 Dollar ( expressed as 5/- )

2 Half crowns = 5 Bob.

10 Bob = 1/2 a Quid ( or a Ten Shilling note (( 10 Bob note))

20 shillings = 1 Pound ( Quid) ( 240 pennies = 1 pound) ( Obviously )

1 Guinea = 21 shillings ( 1 pound 1shilling) :C

Got it ?? ;)

Just remembered :-

A Grand = £1000

Monkey = £500

Pony = £25

Score = £20

A Nicker = £1

Ton = £100

Skin Diver = Fiver = £5
Thank you for that Mr Forumite of the Year :) although I think if I ever had to deal with that kind of money I'd employ you to be my financial PA! When was the new system brought in anyway? British history between 1945 and 2006 is a bit of a grey area for me... :)

Decimalisation took place in 1976 IIRC though even I was young then.

For a while the old and the new coins remained in circulation.  I still remember "spend your old coppers in sixpenny lots" 


was it not in 1970-71,when I was a young lad, I remember being in the 1st year of big school

maybe 72-73

just checked it was 1971 Feb 15th

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Theres someone older than me ....If I remember correctly ...  was it Oldtimesparky  or someone of that ilk?

I'm sure he was over 35.

Don't think he was ever Forumite of the Year though ...........did I mention that?

Forumite of the Year !!

Just ....mentioning.

Hey Miss Denmark!  Just remembered another gem from the past ................a dozen was 12  but  a Baker's dozen was 13  .  somesort of massive fine if you sold bread under weight so to make sure they always added an extra loaf.

Evil monkey needs his pills...

I put this here for steps and binky I also am a fan

Evil monkey needs his pills...

I put this here for steps and binky I also am a fan

And with some subtle placing of MLNS tails blocks ( there are NO others so do not try to persuade me otherwise !) you can BUTT up the two together...makes for a neat job.

A touch trickier with the REC4s

Just saying........
