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©Honorary Essex Boy™
May 10, 2010
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I work away most of the year and leave the day to day running of my home to my wife. She has recently complained to me that she is being harrassed at home by juveniles. This came to a head tonight when I confronted the cowards, I now sport a rather nice black eye from the ring leader who thought his punch was a knockout, he did however run away when he found that rather than falling down I laughed. He was not to know that I am an ABA boxing champion, and an ex army judo coach, never mind being a karate national champion.

I must admit though, my age has let me down, I can not now react as fast as I used to, but if these youngters hit with such impotence I think I should never have to be fast, just stand up to their cowardly actions.

I wonder if they would do such things if they knew what I could do to them? The police have suggested that I do nothing, which I would agree, but if they do not, then if my wife is persecuted I will do whatever it takes to resolve the matter.

Zee do not worry I have been hit harder from my wife lol

These thugs think they are gangters without a cause and the ringleaders are the cowards who run away leaving the youger ones to fight their battles.

Which is what happened tonight, he hit me, realised I was not going down and ran off leaving 6 of his younger supporters to the mercy of my two sons who promptly dispersed them.

I am glad to hear it Manator, your wife is lucky to have you and your sons close by. This reminds Me of that tragic case of Sarah Pilkington taking her and hers disabled daughters lives due to authorities not bothering to come down on scum like a tonne of bricks.

Andy Guinness

I must admit that the local police in this case were very good, they attended and gave my wife the assurance that they do take the complaint serious and would attempt to resolve the issues. I on the other hand would like to make them pay, but I will not because I beleive in the system.

Taking them head on is probably not the way to go no matter how tempting it is, you're playing their game and unless you're prepared to do something a lot more decisive than getting into a fist fight they'll see it as a challenge and just come back with larger numbers. They hold all the cards in this game, they know where you live and they'll make your families life a misery. Rather set up a decent cctv camera and keep footage. Systematically report every incident no matter how small to the police until they feel it's high enough priority to become involved pro-actively on your behalf.  .   

Good stand Manator. The black eye will go and from my experience the thugs will now avoid your neighbourhood for fear of a reprisal. The only concern is if they obseve your regular absence. Should you have some friends from let's say the army or karate Etc that could be seen to frequent your home then the thugs will give you a wide birth. Unfortunately due to the PC PC's they will probably find an alternative victim to harass.

This country needs people like you, shame that it doesn't support you though.


The thugs are just bullies, you need to stand up to them. Its your community not theirs and if you stand together they can not take over. This tagging and restriction orders do nothing, stand up to them they are cowards as proven tonight in my case, they are from a well known drug family who think they rule the town were I live, I will fight them all, and the police have been good, but know my past and have asked me not to take it into my own hands.

I just want people to know that your community is yours, not the low life leeches who prey on the poverty, stand up to them and get rid of the anti social behavoiur they bring.

sI'm with you on this Manator.

I can always remember being told as a lad at school that a bully only picks on those that they believe to be weaker than them. Stand up and watch them back down.

The trouble with today's approach is whilst gathering evidence to build a case the harassment and stress can be over bearing for some to the point where they can no longer cope with it.

If those that dish out this advice had experienced the behaviour first hand them they may have better advice to give. ( Not directed at anyone on here, but to those that make the rules).

Manator, if you have the skills you say you have, you should have hit back.  The important thing is he punched first so any retaliation would justifiably be self defence.  That's probably the only "language" they will understand.

Totally disgraceful behaviour, I feel for you greatly. In the adjacent village there are some very expensive, gated frontage properties and the local joke is they have no local drug problem as the drug dealers who own the houses don't want it on their own doorstep!  Where we live a couple of miles away we have a local "pikey" problem. We're VERY rural which has it's up's and downs and it goes through phases - things quite down if one "goes away", then it starts up again when they "get out". Sadly their kids are of that age where they're taking over the mantle whilst the parents are away. We have burglaries, fly tipping, car, gas bottle, heating oil and farm machinery theft and street signs being taken for scrap. PME systems here don't last long as the intermediate earth wires get taken. Even decent 5-bar wooden gates get taken. One person had brand new fence panels lifted and woke up to find JUST the concrete posts string at him.This has gone on for years and is almost "accepted". The police are useless and then some. The village police house went first then the local town station got amalgamated into a "super" one about 15 miles away. We had an burglary at an elderly neighbour (both in their 80's) and it took TWO DAYS for the police to turn up. I was first on the scene of a nasty road accident a while back and used my fleece to support a girls lacerated and broken arm whilst waiting for the ambulance. The police called me that night saying they were bringing my (albeit blood soaked) fleece back to me (it was the company one so didn't want that grief). I waited..................and waited................they then called to say they we're LOST. The had no satnav, just a map they couldn't read, and I ended up guiding them in with a torch!

Broken Britain and then some! Alarm & CCTV of course (though it's sad you have to stump up that cost), I would seriously write to your MP and even Cameron so it's a matter of record - they don't like embarrassment later on and it might even generate a better police response. It's policy and this soft handed approach to crime that drives the likes of Tony Martin to do what he did (not that I don't support his actions 100%). Attitudes to self defense are slowly changing as shown by some recent cases but the householder will still be put through the mill. Sadly fighting back now and you could end up stabbed or with a petrol bomb lobbed through the window though I'd like to think I would just on principle. Difficult unless you're put in that position I know.

Sitting here rather angry now!

if Tony Martin got away with what he quite rightly did in Protecting his Property, then how much more should you get away with for protecting something as valuable as your wife or family?

Get the neighbours involved manator, you need to stand up to the winkers as a community, it's the biggest failing in our society today - everyone hiding behind the curtains.

I have a relation in his 60's, lives in a small outlining area of town where one family were running riot harassing everybody, smoking dope, burgling houses and shops basically acting like teenage gangsta's. He had his house broken into more than once but the final straw was his wife being mugged for around £2-£3 which is all she had in her purse, the police were totally useless and never even came out to get a statement but phoned with a crime ref no. As always! .my relation mentions all this to a young lad at work and the next day the same lad tells him he's sorted it with his girlfriends family ( a notorious travelling family) they came over picked him up much to his shock ( although he said it was the smartest biggest jeep he'd ever seen and they even brought him a box of chocolates for his wife!) they then drove him round town until he pointed out 2 of the 4 brothers, same night the travellers arrived at this family's house and told them they were moving out by the weekend, their kids were bringing unwanted police attention to the area and this was to be the only discussion, be out by the weekend or next time we turn up in the dead of night, the doors will be nailed shut and the house torched regardless of who was inside, any survivors would wish they hadn't, family moved next day never to be seen again and crimes fallen dramatically, isn't this the kind of result we all wish the police could provide?

Unfortunately these cases highlight the pathetic nature of our legal and justice system and the inability of Police and councils to do anything. Tempting to teach em a lesson with a baseball bat but we all know who will be in the dock. I like the approach in SBs post above, If only it were that simple everywhere else.

I can't see your link on this iPhone but it reminded me of the chav video where the guy keeps calm and chops his neck and knocks the little rat out. :) hope everything goes ok for you manator mate

The stupid thing with this if you gave somebody a black eye in the street you would be up for ABH. Its really a joke these wasters can't be dealt with. They are just a waste of time and money.   

An Englishman's Home Is His Castle? Not any more. Tony Martin hardly "got away" with it did he? Poor s@d served what, 3 years? Now I believe lives in fear etc. 
