TNS and TNC-S In same building

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Sweedy,   Whats a Fusemate?  And whats it for? :C

It basically saves you from the risk of putting fuses in during fault conditions. So you do your normal testing and then mount it on the spills in an LV pillar or linkbox. You can then close it with a little remote control once you've moved away a bit. 

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Try again.

These are being trialled as part of FUN-LV (Flexible Urban Network). Fuse and CB in one unit.


Ah ! I see the concept , thanks .

Those really old distribution pillars are scarey !     We ran a small  ( 25mm) sub main from one in a hospital , to a new extension .   The distribution was done with those Henley / Lucy ? Pillars  .    We requested a shutdown to connect way ......... too much critical stuff .... it'll never happen ....  so it was rubber gloves ...brown trousers...and cutting the bottom out of a plastic clip - on bin from the van to seperate my spanner from the next phase. 

NOT fun TBH.  

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Oh c'mon deke, it wasn't like they asked you to tighten them up with your fingers, they gave you a spanner ffs, call yourself an electrician, I'm beginning to think your neither as old as you say you are or Kerch is more qualified than you! :C  

A bit more complicated. They can open or close a feeder or link dependent on load requirements, hence the coms cables.

There’s even more FUN stuff to come.

Limited current bleed through from feeder to feeder. Say there’s an overloaded cable and an under loaded cable nearby why not bleed a controlled amount from one to the other? It’s a monstrous thing so it won’t replace a link box, it has to be teed in to the two cables.


FUN-LV is a trial. One downside is the equipments estimated life is 20 years so it isn’t a long term solution. The trial area load figures make you wonder how the whole lot hasn’t gone up in a cloud of smoke.

The only real solution involves a lot of digging, disruption and despair.

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Oh c'mon deke, it wasn't like they asked you to tighten them up with your fingers, they gave you a spanner ffs, call yourself an electrician, I'm beginning to think your neither as old as you say you are or Kerch is more qualified than you! :C  
I'd say Kerch is almost certainly more qualified than me TBH  !!  :Salute   And I don't seem to be getting any younger.   And he's probably had to do similar stuff in the distant past .

But I tell you , those pillars were OK as long as you were just removing a fuse carrier........those porcelain ones with the two wing nuts bolt on an outgoing cable was certainly only meant to be done when its brown bread .  

I'm guessing that these days, the H&S guys would be losing control of their bowels if that cropped up .    Do they not insist that sparks switch off the modern TPN boards these days . ?

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Must admit only been near anything like those a couple of times, and yes you certainly gain respect for electricity and its power!! 

Question is has anyone survived after a mishap to give testimony as to how it feels? 

A bit more complicated. They can open or close a feeder or link dependent on load requirements, hence the coms cables.

There’s even more FUN stuff to come.

Limited current bleed through from feeder to feeder. Say there’s an overloaded cable and an under loaded cable nearby why not bleed a controlled amount from one to the other? It’s a monstrous thing so it won’t replace a link box, it has to be teed in to the two cables.

FUN-LV is a trial. One downside is the equipments estimated life is 20 years so it isn’t a long term solution. The trial area load figures make you wonder how the whole lot hasn’t gone up in a cloud of smoke.

The only real solution involves a lot of digging, disruption and despair.

Clever bit of kit, but if this ever gets rolled out I have a feeling I'll spend the rest of my life doing sub changes. How big is the area where this is being trialled?

Around Albert Embankment. There’s a fair number of transformers in the area, some running at 120% and more load expected.

The unit shown can handle 270kVA
I live near there and my better half works in a building on the Albert Embankment. Some big buildings going up there, but not as many as in Nine Elms, nearer us. Should I be telling her to get some candles in, or some LEDs to plug in the phone line?

Many of the big buildings have their own transformers. If the transformer belongs to the building the DNO can’t add extra load to it, if they do own it then it can be used to top up the local system.

To answer you question, I don’t know. The new set up may bodge it together a bit longer.

This country is falling apart because the tory idiots have sold everything. When it was all nationalised it would have all been maintained and uprated properly. Now it is all just a bodge so as to save money to give to the foreign owners of these things [the utilities] Before long the electrical system here will resemble something from india...


Look at it like the EU unified voltages, it just isn’t going to happen. We can’t afford to replace every local LV transformer just because Belgium uses a lower voltage to everyone else. Germany have followed the UK and changed the statutory voltage variance to -6→+10% so they don’t have to do anything.
