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Accidents happen from time to time, you isolate the circuit ( or you think you have) for what ever reason you dont check it to make sure .............................. you get the idea I am sure.

Which would you rather intrust your life to ,

Option A :

Option B :

Both say VDE but only one carrys the EN60900 certification, I know which I would choose

I can recommend the Irwin hacksaws. See for a bigger selection of tools (not always cheapest but hell of a selection).

Get an 18V cordless drill off SF on offer.

You need a scutch chisel!

Familiar with demolition screwdrivers? I have them on my wish list

WTF would you ever use one for?

I honestly have no idea, I have never even seen anyone with one, never mind actually used one.

what are they for?

why?WTF would you ever use one for?

I honestly have no idea, I have never even seen anyone with one, never mind actually used one.

what are they for?


For chasing out by hand. It's a clicky picture :D

and a normal cold chisel is for what exactly then?sorry apache, I just cant get my head around why this is so much better.
It has been said on here a number of times they are superior. May I suggest if you have never used on you give it a go before being too negative?

Having never used on myself basic physics would suggest it was less likely to move when struck and a greater force would be applied from the same hammer force as the teeth have a lower contact and therefore greater tip pressure.

Still not getting you patch? You don't chase by hand do you?

What do you call it when you make a hole in the wall for a socket?
we use hammer drills now patch with rotary stop :red card ROTFWL

Accidents happen from time to time, you isolate the circuit ( or you think you have) for what ever reason you dont check it to make sure .............................. you get the idea I am sure.Which would you rather intrust your life to ,

Option A :

Option B :

Both say VDE but only one carrys the EN60900 certification, I know which I would choose
i would trust my life to one of these


or sometimes one of these


Why? I have never used one.
OK seen that one is done to death.

I use a box sinker and a wall chasing chisel with an SDS drill. Have tried a wall chaser before but broke it and found it was much faster with a wall chasing chisel anyway.

this is true, but a large screwdriver is lighter to carry with you in ur normal tool bag, and has more uses...
I do see your point with the big screwdriver :D
