Trading standards

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Mar 12, 2011
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Psychiatric ward??
Trading standards, at least where i live are a total waste of time. They WILL creep around car boot sales, but if they think you have more money than them and can afford to sue them, then they will leave you well alone..

Many years ago i got car insurance in instalments. In the insurance place they assured me that there was no extra charge for this, and even pointed to a sign on the wall that confirmed all this.

I thought "might as well then"...

Some time later i get a letter through the post. They had signed me up to some sort of credit agreement that charged 13% interest over the three months. I went back and went potty, they did not care..

I jumped over their counter and confiscated the sign off the wall as evidence. They did not like that very much.

Anyway, so then i go to trading standards with the sign off the wall in one hand and the letter from the finance people in the other.

Trading standards had a bit of an investigate but then gave up even though i had all the evidence in writing. Obvious reason is the insurance firm had enough money to bite back...

Further, around here, you go to trading standards [if you can get hold of them] and they will simply send you off to the citizens advice people who are totally clueless..

Never pay a deposit for anything, go somewhere else..


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Trading standards, at least where i live are a total waste of time. They WILL creep around car boot sales, but if they think you have more money than them and can afford to sue them, then they will leave you well alone..

Many years ago i got car insurance in instalments. In the insurance place they assured me that there was no extra charge for this, and even pointed to a sign on the wall that confirmed all this.

I thought "might as well then"...

Some time later i get a letter through the post. They had signed me up to some sort of credit agreement that charged 13% interest over the three months. I went back and went potty, they did not care..

I jumped over their counter and confiscated the sign off the wall as evidence. They did not like that very much.

Anyway, so then i go to trading standards with the sign off the wall in one hand and the letter from the finance people in the other.

Trading standards had a bit of an investigate but then gave up even though i had all the evidence in writing. Obvious reason is the insurance firm had enough money to bite back...

Further, around here, you go to trading standards [if you can get hold of them] and they will simply send you off to the citizens advice people who are totally clueless..

Never pay a deposit for anything, go somewhere else..


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Hi, I agree trading standards are of no use at all now, not interested, my lot you cannot even email direct, only via consumer advice, passed several cases to them, the answer take court action yourself.
same with HMRC for tax etc. smaller companies. £1 off and you're probably going to be getting fines & taken to court if you don't pay it. large corporations, 'were only going to pay x and well less than we should be. don't question it since we have expensive lawyers'
Shame that, if it's universally true. I've only resorted to ours once, and I was very pleased with their assistance..
I had a long drawn out dispute, face to face and by correspondence with a large furniture retailer, concerning the validity of a warranty/accidental damage policy they had sold me. Eventually I copied all relevant documentation to local TS, and following a letter I wasn't privy to, the furniture supplier suddenly decided to see things my way.