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Well I think you have carried the sentiments of many with your eloquent communication of the English language, trouble is it’s probably too eloquent for the PC brigade at the BBC, you’ll probably get a solicitors letter accusing you of flouting the Harassment Act!! 

There was a reporter on tv the other week standing in a deserted high street saying how he and the camera man had been stopped en route by the police to ask where they were going. I sat there watching, dumbfounded at the stupidity of it all. 

I think they are a bunch of bell ends

i don't usually get wound up but this has got me a tad miffed and raised my dander


There was a reporter on tv the other week standing in a deserted high street saying how he and the camera man had been stopped en route by the police to ask where they were going. I sat there watching, dumbfounded at the stupidity of it all. 
Get an email sent....if we send enough they may just act

also....have you noticed that most of the A list news people have been replaced with Z list ones?   I reckon they are immunising the A list ones for the 'Rising'

Oh dear, oh dear oh dear oh dear

the BEEB have replied to me.....the FATWAH begins Bring it on 

their reply

Dear Doctor Xxxxxx

Thank you for taking the time to contact us again. We are sorry to learn that you were not satisfied with our earlier response.

We’ve explained our general approach to reporting and note you have remaining concerns.

The Government has put public service broadcasting on its list of key public services during this time and we are exercising our responsibilities as a trusted source of news very carefully. As we have explained, some public filming and travel by staff does remain essential if we are to report in the public interest during the pandemic, despite the lockdown.

We are keeping location filming to the minimum, and it only takes place when it’s editorially justified and after a full risk assessment including taking medical and safety advice. We review our approach regularly and have passed your comments onto senior staff in BBC News.  

We've responded in as much detail as we can. I’m afraid we cannot correspond with you further at this first stage of the complaints process. If however you are still dissatisfied, you can contact the BBC’s Executive Complaints Unit (ECU). The ECU is stage 2 of the BBC’s complaints process.

Details of the BBC complaints process are available at where you can read the BBC’s full complaints framework. You should contact the ECU within 20 working days of receiving this reply. You will need to explain why you believe there may have been a potential breach of standards or other significant issue for it to investigate. 

If you wish to contact the ECU, we have provided a unique url link for you in this email. This will open up further information about how to submit your complaint. The link will then not work after you have submitted your complaint. You will be asked for the case reference number we have provided in this reply. 

My reply

in response to your fairly vacuous and non committal reply

6/4-20 1800 news

Reporter all PPEd up,in intensive care ONE SET OF PPE WASTED that could have been better used by a medic than a reporter

Reporter interviewing a postman as he walks down the street.....waste of resources 

Vicki Young stood,outside reporting possibly on a roof somewhere....why?

Danny Savage stood interviewing in a park in Leeds

David Gill,stood outside Aintree Hospital

Jill Donaghan in a pharmacy 


John McManus OUTSIDE St Thomas hospital

Helen Catt OUTSIDE 10 Downing St

Later on Chris Witty stood OUTSIDE number 10.    Surprisingly it looked exactly the same as last time

So, April 16th.  The staff of a nursing home in Liverpool decides to live in to shield the residents from any external interaction.. brilliant idea, keep,them safe.  So the BBC decides to send a film crew to film them as the reporter stands outside with a long microphone .. so  please explain why this was classed as an ESSENTIAL JOURNEY and couldn't be done via Skype or similar .  I am seriously interested in your risk assessment and validation of this waste of  time.  Which part of Stay at Home is difficult to understand?

Yesterday....a reporter stood outside Westminster!   What validity /kudos does this give to the report? Please enlighten me as I am at a total loss. It makes NO difference to the report! None, absolutely none, so why bother? Seriously WHY??

Today your brain dead Leaders have surpassed themselves, if this was a comedy script it would win an award! What have they done?     Sent a film crew and reporter to Crosby on a totally unnecessary Journey to report on people making unnecessary journeys !   Come on now, be fair, surely someone there can see the irony in this can't they?

You are still showing shots of some reporter standing outside Westminster , a hospital, a closed shop, a venue etc. NONE of this is lending any gravitas to the report, is it?

Today 27th April you have reported on some visitors having a barbecue at Malham Cove....shame on them . BUT how did you report this?     Sent a bloody reporter to Malham Cove to report on it....!  and I'm pretty sure he wasn't filming himself, doing his own sound , or got here without driving an unnecessary journey. Seriously WHAT planet are you on??  SHAME ON YOU

This morning you sent a film crew and reporter to give us a pic of the front door of 10 Downing Street.   Surprise surprise ITS STILL BLACK!

You may think this is funny/a joke.....anyone who has a relative or friend lose their life because of people making unnecessary journeys and spreading this disease/tying up emergency services due to an accident would beg to differ

I await your considered response which will be  ( as previously ) posted on various Internet forums and Facebook

I await your considered response which will be  ( as previously ) posted on various Internet forums and Facebook

I doubt they will be worried about this. 

I fear that the once great BBC has decided it can exist in its own bubble, be accountable to nobody and make up its rules as it goes along........

Which is a shame as it leaves most of us wondering who we can trust in the media and what their motives are .

I doubt they will be worried about this. 

I fear that the once great BBC has decided it can exist in its own bubble, be accountable to nobody and make up its rules as it goes along........

Which is a shame as it leaves most of us wondering who we can trust in the media and what their motives are .

Have you not noticed since the Tory party is threatening to review BBC licence fee that the BBC has been rather wishy washy -  the government is basically blackmailing them.

Have you not noticed since the Tory party is threatening to review BBC licence fee that the BBC has been rather wishy washy -  the government is basically blackmailing them.

That I do not agree with, but if you suggesting that the BBC are changing their methods of reporting - this would be a bad move on their part

A couple of days ago the BBC were saying they need to save £125 million next year. Given their income is around £3.69 billion , finding savings or around 3% shouldn't be too tricky

they have definetly changed. Have you also noticed a concerted right wing campaign against the BBC on social media, basically saying the BBC is biased , I think from Brexit supporters - it's what dictatorships do as part of taking power, or like Trump branding any criticism as fake news. 

BBC could save money quite easily, they seem to have a surplus of platforms, and why they have launced a social media app I don't know? Can't help feeling their sets and studios are over-expensive too.

BBC could save money quite easily, they seem to have a surplus of platforms, and why they have launced a social media app I don't know? Can't help feeling their sets and studios are over-expensive too.

Hit , nail and head springs to mind - and what people don't realise is how many services the TV licence fee pays for - its far beyond the BBC TV channels and BBC radio channels

Their problems go back years to when they decided to pay "presenters" telephone number salaries - because its the employer NI and the pension contributions that really add up. If you use Jeremy Vine as the example on £600K (assuming he is an employee) , the employer would pay around £81K in NI , then about a further £84K in pension contributions making a total of around £765K and to pay this you need about 4900 TV licences paid - ouch. If he's not an "employee" then you "only" need about 3870 TV licences paid

Universities have similar problems where the "few" at the top need a large number of fee paying students to cover their employment costs ..

I suspect their ongoing pension costs for former employees is where there problems emanate from for the BBC and the Universities

Their problems go back years to when they decided to pay "presenters" telephone number salaries -

Apparently they need to pay 'market force' prices to keep the best presenters. Claudia Winkleman is the worst  case I can think of. Same with Univesities, because they are all now businesses, the CEOs demand wages accordingly, likewise heads of local councils. Biggest load of clap trap I've ever heard to justify rediculous wages  :redcard
