Unusual Light Indicator Issue

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Aug 31, 2014
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I have a basement and the kids keep leaving the lights on, nothing unusual there. There is a main room, a toilet, a little craft room for the missus and a couple of little store cupboards. Each room has its own light circuit and sometimes the main light is off and 3 days later I find the light is on in one cupboard.


Is it possible to wire a single light ( neon) that would illuminate if any of the circuits were live or could anyone suggest something not too expensive to help me save a few quid and stop from strangling the kids.



Thanks, not a bad idea for the cupboards but missus wouldn't wear it for craft room and the bathroom one would have to he outside so you would have to open door to reset (with dry hands) which wouldn't work either.

Canoeboy, thanks for the suggestion but I loathe occupancy sensors, they always go off when your half way through a clear out. Gave them at work and they drive me mad. The owner decided to save money and stuck th in everywhere on short timers. The electrician put one of them in the kitchen on the wall in place of the light switch. It took around 30ins before the dome was caved in by one of the lads smacking it not realising the switch had gone. Now, the light in the kitchen is on 24/7 as it's packed up altogether.

Kerching, I wasn't looking to spend that much!

Thanks prodave. That's my backup solution but not totally ideal. The basement has 2 stairs as it has no windows I suppose. The doors are fire jobs with automatic closers so I would nearly have to go down to check everyone was out before killing the lights or could seriously piss off missus. She makes cards and bits she flogs and sometimes she down there for hours, sometimes 5 mins. Hard enough already trying to work out where she is most of the time. Apparently I don't listen.

I am really trying to come up with something simple, reliable, doesn't need me up and down the stairs. I don't mind spending a bit of money and a chunk of time for something that does a good job. I really appreciate the suggestions.

you could use a fibre optic cable in each room run to a box at the top of the stairs

that would use no energy

tried to load a web address but failed  

As pro dave suggests.......

Master switch overrides all of the other rooms as well....

You need to open up all of the existing lights & switches to see how they are wired...

Then modify so that all of the cupboards & smaller rooms only get their feed if the main basement room is ON...

if main basement off then all other rooms will also be off!...

This is of course assuming that you have to go though the main basement to get to all of the other rooms....


Poni, that's genius.  I will have to dig about and check costs but that is truly genius.

Special Location, thanks, I like that idea too and fairly simple but again, if the missus is in her den and someone switches off the main room light there will be trouble.  Basement has no windows so trying to extract herself from a pile of bits and glue and other rubbish in total darkness to turn the light on again will not earn me any thanks.

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