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Well-known member
Feb 8, 2011
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flexible conduit is running from an isolator to a machine what clips should I use 20mm spacer bar saddles or none it should not be of length to warrant fixing? its a mock question I would of said no fixing?tb ryan

Does it need strain relief?

The machine vibrates so it can't be too rigid.

The options are?

BTW, perhaps these Q's as they seem to be course questions would be better in the learning zone?

Yes Ryan, the best help you can get from the forum is in the student and learning zone. I will move these over there so you can get better answers.

The options are 20mm spacer bar saddles,genie worm clips!,large round white clips, none flexible conduit should not be of length to warrant a fixing surely its the last option?

It is OK to clip flexible conduit.

It is OK to have it of a length that needs clipping.

It is not a last resort it is an example of a flexible link between a static point, e.g. the fixed installation wiring in a building and a moving point e.g. a machine power "inlet".

You can get dedicated flexible conduit clips, these are what I use when I need to do this.

When can the cpc be used as the phase conductor?.My options are a.when another core is required and installation of a cpc would envolve damage to the customers property b.only if the final appliance does not require an earth c.never d.anytime as long as it is covered with adequate insulation tape signifying phase or neutral which one is it?tb ryan

What Andy is trying to say is the CPC, is the Circuit Protective Core, as such it is a vital core in any multi core wiring.

I am sure you could now work out the correct answer.

so it should not be of length to need a fixing really?tb ryan

Not always at low level either Andy, there are times when you can't put the run at low level, and it needs to be higher up so strain relief either side of the span may be required, hence fixings.

Like Andy said, most questions are common sense, each conductor has a function, the earth conductor is vital and should never be used for anything BUT the CPC.

So whats the answer then I mean its either spacer bar saddles or no fixing?I mean do they even use spacer bar saddles on flexy ?tb Ryan
